second poast TOWN LIST please provide info I will update this post with it.
For sanity sake, 2015+ experiences only. Lets keep the data quality better by keeping it current. What happened 10 years ago is not really useful anymore in terms of rankings
If an entry is bolded (town name) then it means that data is very fresh or considered high reliability.
Town: General Ranking: Administrative Ranking: Suitability Ranking:
EOPS/MSP (Nonresidents): Yellow ( SOME new people still getting restricted - Red (they're slow as ass - Suitability issues unknown. Need more data.
*NOTE- as of covid land era, EOPS/CJIS is taking annual renewals by mail finally.
Acton - Green
Andover - need moar data - may be Green
Attleboro - unknown WRT restrictions, but got 2 reports of severe ass dragging on new apps.
Arlington- Green - Slow - Even issues MG license to 03 holders, but may still require dog and pony show for storage.
Billerica - Yellow - Age discriminates to T&H on under 25. No MG licenses.
Boston - Red, still pretty f***ing bad, however large # of unrestricteds indicate Boston is "hackable" to produce a desired outcome.
2021 update - as of last posting Boston is still turtling and f***ing up new apps and renewals. Lots of dragging ass.
*ETA: 2021 - Boston no longer does moon island test, still requires club membership for app though*
Brockton - Yellow - will unrestrict new apps after X? years. Need updated info.
Brookline - Red Garbage all the way around. Was requiring range test? May also f*** up move ins. STAY AWAY. (or move out).
Cambridge - Red, "Box Town" only issues new unrestricted/protection to people who fit in the box.
Canton - Green (still waiting minor details)
Everett - Unknown. Town had massive problems TURTLING on license apps, unsure if this has been resolved or not.
Fall River - We'll Try Green. but requires reference letters for new apps, LO decent, but slow processing.
2 ppl have confirmed that FR is slow as ass on new apps, but also will issue MG license to 03 holders .
FR used to be total garbage years ago, so this is still improved.
Fitchburg - Green on most fronts, even suitability. May be difficult to get appointment (due to timing etc) but LO is excellent.
Framingham - Green, previous reports of suitability retardation though (this may be ancient history, need more data)
Gardner - Green but beware of potential suitability issues and "prickly" stuff. Gardner PD people involved in legal issues with anti-2a overtones (some guy with large cap magazines)
Groton - Green
Harvard - Bright Green + willing to issue MG licenses to 03 holders
Haverhill - May be green, waiting feedback
Leominster - Green - Requires letters for new apps, LO is typically very responsive
Littleton - Green
Lowell - Red - Shit Town - Will issue unrestricted to first timers but only if you jump through their flaming hoops as described here:
Unrestricted License to Carry (LTC) | Lowell, MA
Medford - Red - at least for new apps, will RESTRICT, with possible lifting of restrictions with swan song letter later. Will not downgrade move ins.
Newton - new chief, Green (according to posts here)
Northhampton - Green -
Plymouth - Green, but requires letters of recommendation for new apps.
Quincy - As of 2020, Yellow - only due to age discrimination on under 25s being forced to T&H restrictions. Update with recent info necessary.
Shirley - Green
Waltham - Green