Guide To Gun Rights in your MA Town - 2020 + Edition

I will see about calling Medford once we have a decision in NYSRPA 2. Worst case can carry in a few months, maybe Christmas will come early though.
Don't count on it. Even in NYSRPA goes well, the PD could very well take the position "make us", which means money and time. Fortunately, this would be the kind of case Comm2a lives for - and it's existence can give pause to an issuing authority who thinks "this person will go away, they can't afford the legal fees".
Don't count on it. Even in NYSRPA goes well, the PD could very well take the position "make us", which means money and time. Fortunately, this would be the kind of case Comm2a lives for - and it's existence can give pause to an issuing authority who thinks "this person will go away, they can't afford the legal fees".
I'm totally up for this if it happens, even though it may not personally benefit me since litigation takes so much time and it will be roughly a six month gap between NYSRPA opinion and my AIDS permit expiring. But if I'm not the one, there is someone out there who could be stuck with an AIDS permit for years.
second poast TOWN LIST please provide info I will update this post with it.

For sanity sake, 2015+ experiences only. Lets keep the data quality better by keeping it current. What happened 10 years ago is not really useful anymore in terms of rankings

If an entry is bolded (town name) then it means that data is very fresh or considered high reliability.

Town: General Ranking: Administrative Ranking: Suitability Ranking:

EOPS/MSP (Nonresidents):
Yellow ( SOME new people still getting restricted - Red (they're slow as ass - Suitability issues unknown. Need more data.
*NOTE- as of covid land era, EOPS/CJIS is taking annual renewals by mail finally.

Acton - Green

Andover - need moar data - may be Green

Attleboro - unknown WRT restrictions, but got 2 reports of severe ass dragging on new apps.

Arlington- Green - Slow - Even issues MG license to 03 holders, but may still require dog and pony show for storage.

Billerica - Yellow - Age discriminates to T&H on under 25. No MG licenses.

Boston - Red, still pretty f***ing bad, however large # of unrestricteds indicate Boston is "hackable" to produce a desired outcome.
2021 update - as of last posting Boston is still turtling and f***ing up new apps and renewals. Lots of dragging ass.
*ETA: 2021 - Boston no longer does moon island test, still requires club membership for app though*

Brockton - Yellow - will unrestrict new apps after X? years. Need updated info.

Brookline - Red Garbage all the way around. Was requiring range test? May also f*** up move ins. STAY AWAY. (or move out).

Cambridge - Red, "Box Town" only issues new unrestricted/protection to people who fit in the box.

Canton - Green (still waiting minor details)

Everett - Unknown. Town had massive problems TURTLING on license apps, unsure if this has been resolved or not.

Fall River - We'll Try Green. but requires reference letters for new apps, LO decent, but slow processing.
2 ppl have confirmed that FR is slow as ass on new apps, but also will issue MG license to 03 holders .
FR used to be total garbage years ago, so this is still improved.

Fitchburg - Green on most fronts, even suitability. May be difficult to get appointment (due to timing etc) but LO is excellent.

Framingham - Green, previous reports of suitability retardation though (this may be ancient history, need more data)

Gardner - Green but beware of potential suitability issues and "prickly" stuff. Gardner PD people involved in legal issues with anti-2a overtones (some guy with large cap magazines)

Groton - Green

Harvard - Bright Green + willing to issue MG licenses to 03 holders

Haverhill - May be green, waiting feedback

Leominster - Green - Requires letters for new apps, LO is typically very responsive

Littleton - Green

Lowell - Red - Shit Town - Will issue unrestricted to first timers but only if you jump through their flaming hoops as described here:
Unrestricted License to Carry (LTC) | Lowell, MA

Medford - Red - at least for new apps, will RESTRICT, with possible lifting of restrictions with swan song letter later. Will not downgrade move ins.

Newton - new chief, Green (according to posts here)

Northhampton - Green -

Plymouth - Green, but requires letters of recommendation for new apps.

Quincy - As of 2020, Yellow - only due to age discrimination on under 25s being forced to T&H restrictions. Update with recent info necessary.

Shirley - Green

Waltham - Green
I am in Uxbridge and found the issuing officer excellent, accommodating, professional and Constitutional. Pretty much said unless I have a thick file on you for violence it's a go.
The state is far more onerous but we are a rural small town
I have compiled a list of various permits, states and towns from my experiences, my 2 sons and 2 friends / coworkers.

I hope this may help someone.

Information was accurate at the date

This was all copied and pasted (less personal info.. lic numbers, exp dates etc) so I apologize for the poor spacing)

Dedham, MA Mass Resident Application .
Prev LTC-A ALP Issued in another town and had expired 2011 - Allowed Renewal application

Mass Resident LTC ALP Renewal, Previous LTC issued in another town, Expired in 2011

8/21/21 Took LTC-020 Class, refresher - not required . With both my sons -required
10/27/21 Renewal Sent USPS
10/28/21 USPS indicates Package delivered to Dedham PD
10/28/21 Received voice mail from licensing officer, requesting additional proof of residency, he suggested printing voter registration.
10/28/21 Printed online voter registration and excise tax bill and dropped off at Dedham PD on way home from work.
12/15/21 Recieved Reciept via USPS for entry into MIRCS system
1/10/22 Called Mass FRB for status check, FRB indicated Chief approved unrestricted LTC, LTC waiting to be printed.
1/14/2022 Called Mass FRB for status check, FRB indicated LTC printed, Pending delivery to DPD
1/17/22 Called DPD as LTC payment has not yet cleared bank, Officer said the Chief's Secretary holds them and batch deposits them, also stated
FRB Printed LTC and Pending delivery to DPD and I should expect it within 1-2 weeks.
2/3/22 LTC A No Restirctions Received via USPS

NH Non-Res

Prev Expired – too long to Renew – New application

8/14/21 Application Mailed to State Police Concord, NH
8/16/21 Application Delivered to State Police, Concord, NH
9/7/21 License Delivered via USPS

Maine Non-Res

Prev Expired – too long to Renew – New application

8/30/21 Application package Mailed to Maine State Police
9/1/21 Application Package Delived to Maine State Police
10/12/21 License Delivered

Utah Non-Res

9/17/21 Took UTAH Class l - Photographed and fingerprinted
9/19/21 Mailed Application Package to UTAH BCI at Newton 24 hour Kiosk
9/21/21 Application package Delivered to Utah BCI
9/28/21 SMS - UTAH BCI Charged Credit Card, Mastercard xxxx, Chargge posted 9/29/21
11/1/21 Utah License Arrived via USPS

Florida Non-Res

2/13/2022 Application Completed - Application Tracking number Txxxxxxxxx
2/13/2022 Fingerprinted at PD PO xxxxxxxxx
2/14/2022 Application and Documents Mailed USPS FromNewton Center. Tracking 95xxxx
2/19/2022 Package arrived late to USPS facility Tallahsssie from Jacksonville.
2/21/2022 Package Still Late, Arrived at Destination Facility
2/21/2022 Package Delivered
2/22/2022 Check xxx - 97.00 Deposited
2/24/2022 Application tracking number now shows application in process - most applications processed in 50-55 days
3/11/2022 Tracking shows License approved, waiting for printing and delivery, allow 15 business days for printing and delivery
3/20/2022 License Delivered by USPS First Class Mail, No Tracking

CT Non-Res

Application Completed
Application and Documents Sent USPS Tracking xxxx
Application and Documents Delivered Middletown, CT

Received letter and payment checks back. Called Special Licensing, Was told that 1 of the 3 payments in not required anymore and payment 2 had to be done online.

Called Special Licensing, was told that my application was being started again, prev issue with payment caused incomplete application status
Pistol Permit Issued
Permit arrived USPS first class mail

RI Non-Resident

3/11/22 Application Completed, Check xxx for 40.00
3/13/22 Application Mailed
3/15/22 Application Delivered at 10:46am
3/17/22 Called for Approx wait time, 7-14 weeks
4/15/22 Check xxx Cleared bank. 40.00
6/8/2022 Received Call, License approved, Appointment 6/9/22 - Photo and fingerprinting, leave with permit in hand

Older Son FID CARD – Age 17 at time NEW Applicant With Parental Letter to Chief

8/21/21 Took LTC Class

10/15/21 Application Completed
10/21/21 All required docs emailed xxxxxxx Appointment set for 12/28/21 for Fingerprinting and MIRCS Entry - Appointment Delay Could have had next day but kids-school
12/28/21 Fingerprinted, Photo from RMV, entry into MIRCS system Written multiple choice exam, 1 wrong
1/14/22 Called Mass FRB for status check, FRB indicated Chief approved FID, FID waiting to be printed.
2/3/22 FID Received via USPS, Post marked 1/31/22

OLDER Son MAINE Non-Res - Age 18 at time New Applicant

3/20/2022 APPLICATION PACKAGE SENT 24HR KIOSK, Tracking 420043xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx90680
3/28/2022 CHECK xxx $60.00 DATED 3/4/22 CLEARED

Son NH Non-Res – Age 18 at time

4/25/2022 PAYMENT CLEARED BANK, CHECK xxx 100.00

Younger Son – FID Applicant – Age 14 at time – NEW Applicant - Parental Letter to chief
Woburn Mass Resident FID

8/21/21 Took Class

10/15/2021 Completed Application
10/21/21 All required docs emailed, Appoint set for 12/28/21 for Photo, Fingerprinting and MIRCS Entry- delay due to being in school
12/28/21 Fingerprinted, Photo taken (No RMV photo), entry into MIRCS system
Written multiple choice exam - 100%
“Nobody has ever got them all right”
“My dad is a good teacher”
1/14/22 Called Mass FRB for status check, FRB indicated Chief approved FID, FID waiting to be printed.
1/24/2022 Called Mass FRB, FID has been printed and pending delivery to Woburn PD
2/3/22 FID Received via USPS, Post marked 1/29/22
FID Received before 15th Birthday, FID not active until 15th Birthday - issue date 3 weeks after delivery
Changed Status to Active on MIRCS at 12:00am on xx/xx/22

Friend / CO Worker 1

Quincy Mass Resident LTC A ALP – NEW Applicant

3/20/22 Took Class

3/25/22 Walk-in, No appointment, inquired on procedure and was Interviewed, Fingerprinted and MIRCS Entry after 10 min wait.

6/1/22 Call to CHSB, LTC A Approved, Pending printing.

6/8/22 Call to CHSB, Still pending printing.

Friend Co-Worker 2

Easton PD Mass Res LTC A ALP NEW Applicant -

Unknown date - Took Class

3/1/22 Called PD, Left voicemail

3/21/22 Interview, Fingerprints taken, RMV file picture used.

6/8/22 Called CHSB, LTC-A ALP Printed and delivered to PD – PD Has activated LTC
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second poast TOWN LIST please provide info I will update this post with it.

For sanity sake, 2015+ experiences only. Lets keep the data quality better by keeping it current. What happened 10 years ago is not really useful anymore in terms of rankings

If an entry is bolded (town name) then it means that data is very fresh or considered high reliability.

Town: General Ranking: Administrative Ranking: Suitability Ranking:

EOPS/MSP (Nonresidents):
Yellow ( SOME new people still getting restricted - Red (they're slow as ass - Suitability issues unknown. Need more data.
*NOTE- as of covid land era, EOPS/CJIS is taking annual renewals by mail finally.

Acton - Green

Andover - need moar data - may be Green

Attleboro - unknown WRT restrictions, but got 2 reports of severe ass dragging on new apps.

Arlington- Green - Slow - Even issues MG license to 03 holders, but may still require dog and pony show for storage.

Billerica - Yellow - Age discriminates to T&H on under 25. No MG licenses.

Boston - Red, still pretty f***ing bad, however large # of unrestricteds indicate Boston is "hackable" to produce a desired outcome.
2021 update - as of last posting Boston is still turtling and f***ing up new apps and renewals. Lots of dragging ass.
*ETA: 2021 - Boston no longer does moon island test, still requires club membership for app though*

Brockton - Yellow - will unrestrict new apps after X? years. Need updated info.

Brookline - Red Garbage all the way around. Was requiring range test? May also f*** up move ins. STAY AWAY. (or move out).

Cambridge - Red, "Box Town" only issues new unrestricted/protection to people who fit in the box.

Canton - Green (still waiting minor details)

Everett - Unknown. Town had massive problems TURTLING on license apps, unsure if this has been resolved or not.

Fall River - We'll Try Green. but requires reference letters for new apps, LO decent, but slow processing.
2 ppl have confirmed that FR is slow as ass on new apps, but also will issue MG license to 03 holders .
FR used to be total garbage years ago, so this is still improved.

Fitchburg - Green on most fronts, even suitability. May be difficult to get appointment (due to timing etc) but LO is excellent.

Framingham - Green, previous reports of suitability retardation though (this may be ancient history, need more data)

Gardner - Green but beware of potential suitability issues and "prickly" stuff. Gardner PD people involved in legal issues with anti-2a overtones (some guy with large cap magazines)

Groton - Green

Harvard - Bright Green + willing to issue MG licenses to 03 holders

Haverhill - May be green, waiting feedback

Leominster - Green - Requires letters for new apps, LO is typically very responsive

Littleton - Green

Lowell - Red - Shit Town - Will issue unrestricted to first timers but only if you jump through their flaming hoops as described here:
Unrestricted License to Carry (LTC) | Lowell, MA

Medford - Red - at least for new apps, will RESTRICT, with possible lifting of restrictions with swan song letter later. Will not downgrade move ins.

Newton - new chief, Green (according to posts here)

Northhampton - Green -

Plymouth - Green, but requires letters of recommendation for new apps.

Quincy - As of 2020, Yellow - only due to age discrimination on under 25s being forced to T&H restrictions. Update with recent info necessary.

Shirley - Green

Waltham - Green
Any updates to Watertown?
This is a replacement for THIS thread which is ancient and somewhat outdated

Things have changed, in 2021 there are very few full on red towns anymore.

What we need here is feedback, and I will update the posts here with an index.

Some constraints: Only new app experiences are really useful. Renewals almost don't count, HOWEVER, I'll make an exception.... if some town gives you shit renewing, makes it hard to obtain a receipt, or some other possibly obstructionist BS, it should be noted.

Towns should be rated Bright Green / Green / Yellow / Red

Bright Green is only awarded if they don't have unnecessary requirements on 1st issue. (eg, most towns will not get bright green, because they require reference letters, which is NOT in the law!) you get the

Frequently asked Question of all time: "Will Town X downgrade me on renewal or on the fly if I move in with an unrestricted LTC?"

Most towns, even the Shitty Mc Shit towns, DO NOT do this. That said, BE CAREFUL. Septic Tank Shit towns like Brookline? I would be shocked if they didn
downgrade you.... but others like Cambridge, or Medford do not downgrade move ins. Even notorious shit towns like Watertown supposedly stopped doing this.

I think most of them stopped doing this shit because it sets them up to get sued and be in a bad position. It's much easier for them to abuse new people with no license time under
their belts.

There should be 3 categories of rating:

General (eg, restrictive vs not, restricted vs unrestricted etc then

Administrative (how hard it is to get an appointment etc) and also

Suitability. Suitability is difficult because most people don't have problems. But if some c*** town says "bweah you ahve a DUI from 900 years ago that shouldnt count, but we still hate you" we want to know because we want to put them on the list and mark it as such.

This is the phirst poast, the 2nd one will be the actual town list with ratings. Phirst post will also be used for link to Comm2A scoreboards/cards etc. When I can get my hands on such info/links....

ETA: Thanks to @Mesatchornug I have attached the 2017 Comm2a Scorecard to this post, if someone has a newer one, I will add/update it.

ETA2: Also added state license total # link, etc... here... also see attachments for backup

Watertown 1st time LTC app here...Took Safety course 6-12-22 and left voicemail to LO same day and just got a callback today for an appointment on 6/23/22 so pretty good turn around. Longtime chief just retired earlier this month so we have a new chief who knows what can happen. Nervous tho reading the comments about Watertown being historically red on 1st time ALP applications. The LO I spoke to sounded nice tho so maybe that's something? Letter to chief required, and 2 character letters of reference. Fingers crossed will keep you guys posted
second poast TOWN LIST please provide info I will update this post with it.

For sanity sake, 2015+ experiences only. Lets keep the data quality better by keeping it current. What happened 10 years ago is not really useful anymore in terms of rankings

If an entry is bolded (town name) then it means that data is very fresh or considered high reliability.

Town: General Ranking: Administrative Ranking: Suitability Ranking:

EOPS/MSP (Nonresidents):
Yellow ( SOME new people still getting restricted - Red (they're slow as ass - Suitability issues unknown. Need more data.
*NOTE- as of covid land era, EOPS/CJIS is taking annual renewals by mail finally.

Acton - Green

Andover - need moar data - may be Green

Attleboro - unknown WRT restrictions, but got 2 reports of severe ass dragging on new apps.

Arlington- Green - Slow - Even issues MG license to 03 holders, but may still require dog and pony show for storage.

Billerica - Yellow - Age discriminates to T&H on under 25. No MG licenses.

Boston - Red, still pretty f***ing bad, however large # of unrestricteds indicate Boston is "hackable" to produce a desired outcome.
2021 update - as of last posting Boston is still turtling and f***ing up new apps and renewals. Lots of dragging ass.
*ETA: 2021 - Boston no longer does moon island test, still requires club membership for app though*

Brockton - Yellow - will unrestrict new apps after X? years. Need updated info.

Brookline - Red Garbage all the way around. Was requiring range test? May also f*** up move ins. STAY AWAY. (or move out).

Cambridge - Red, "Box Town" only issues new unrestricted/protection to people who fit in the box.

Canton - Green (still waiting minor details)

Everett - Unknown. Town had massive problems TURTLING on license apps, unsure if this has been resolved or not.

Fall River - We'll Try Green. but requires reference letters for new apps, LO decent, but slow processing.
2 ppl have confirmed that FR is slow as ass on new apps, but also will issue MG license to 03 holders .
FR used to be total garbage years ago, so this is still improved.

Fitchburg - Green on most fronts, even suitability. May be difficult to get appointment (due to timing etc) but LO is excellent.

Framingham - Green, previous reports of suitability retardation though (this may be ancient history, need more data)

Gardner - Green but beware of potential suitability issues and "prickly" stuff. Gardner PD people involved in legal issues with anti-2a overtones (some guy with large cap magazines)

Groton - Green

Harvard - Bright Green + willing to issue MG licenses to 03 holders

Haverhill - May be green, waiting feedback

Leominster - Green - Requires letters for new apps, LO is typically very responsive

Littleton - Green

Lowell - Red - Shit Town - Will issue unrestricted to first timers but only if you jump through their flaming hoops as described here:
Unrestricted License to Carry (LTC) | Lowell, MA

Medford - Red - at least for new apps, will RESTRICT, with possible lifting of restrictions with swan song letter later. Will not downgrade move ins.

Newton - new chief, Green (according to posts here)

Northhampton - Green -

Plymouth - Green, but requires letters of recommendation for new apps.

Quincy - As of 2020, Yellow - only due to age discrimination on under 25s being forced to T&H restrictions. Update with recent info necessary.

Shirley - Green

Waltham - Green
Currently in the application process for WATERTOWN. Got an appointment for 6/23/22 w/ the LO. The scorecard doesn't look good tho almost 90% restricted LTC's on first timers according to that spreadsheet. Still requiring letter to chief and 2 letters of reference. Will update when I get my response back
Watertown 1st time LTC app here...Took Safety course 6-12-22 and left voicemail to LO same day and just got a callback today for an appointment on 6/23/22 so pretty good turn around. Longtime chief just retired earlier this month so we have a new chief who knows what can happen. Nervous tho reading the comments about Watertown being historically red on 1st time ALP applications. The LO I spoke to sounded nice tho so maybe that's something? Letter to chief required, and 2 character letters of reference. Fingers crossed will keep you guys posted
Not knowing what you mean by "can happen" I would keep that to myself during the interview.
Watertown 1st time LTC app here...Took Safety course 6-12-22 and left voicemail to LO same day and just got a callback today for an appointment on 6/23/22 so pretty good turn around. Longtime chief just retired earlier this month so we have a new chief who knows what can happen. Nervous tho reading the comments about Watertown being historically red on 1st time ALP applications. The LO I spoke to sounded nice tho so maybe that's something? Letter to chief required, and 2 character letters of reference. Fingers crossed will keep you guys posted
I think we’ve historically seen the trend be towns moving away from restrictions as the old guard retires. With that said, with it being so recent, unless the new CLEO feels very strongly either way, I’d expect status quo for now.
Watertown 1st time LTC app here...Took Safety course 6-12-22 and left voicemail to LO same day and just got a callback today for an appointment on 6/23/22 so pretty good turn around. Longtime chief just retired earlier this month so we have a new chief who knows what can happen. Nervous tho reading the comments about Watertown being historically red on 1st time ALP applications. The LO I spoke to sounded nice tho so maybe that's something? Letter to chief required, and 2 character letters of reference. Fingers crossed will keep you guys posted
Why is everyone ok with the unlawful requirements? That's an automatic RED in my book.

here boy... jump for your treat, jump, jump, almost, maybe next time
Watertown was a massive top 10 worst in MA pure shit red town yrs ago, i have heard rumors of improvement but nothing substantial that I would even post without confirmation.
Watertown was a massive top 10 worst in MA pure shit red town yrs ago, i have heard rumors of improvement but nothing substantial that I would even post without confirmation.
Top 10? You're too kind. From everything I've read, I'd think top 5, if not 3.
Top 10? You're too kind. From everything I've read, I'd think top 5, if not 3.

Well way back when there were easily 3 dozen pure shit towns and the ones at the top 10 save for Brookline were all about the same level of shit. Brookline on the other hand will always be the rv shitter from family vacation.....
Well way back when there were easily 3 dozen pure shit towns and the ones at the top 10 save for Brookline were all about the same level of shit. Brookline on the other hand will always be the rv shitter from family vacation.....
I figured Brookline and Boston had to be tied for number 1 when they were downgrading and required Moon Island tests. My understanding was that Watertown and Brookline are the only towns that still downgrade.

Am I being unfair to the big W here?
I figured Brookline and Boston had to be tied for number 1 when they were downgrading and required Moon Island tests. My understanding was that Watertown and Brookline are the only towns that still downgrade.

Am I being unfair to the big W here?

They were all very bad, but I think Brookline is the only one left that does move in downgrades. A lot of the other reds have dropped it.

Also Boston is hackable (you can crapflood them with certs and generally be annoying and win) on the other hand Brookline is not so much,.

Watertown could still be pretty bad for all I know. I know @terraformer had stated they got rid of some of their policies at one point but I would be shocked if they
are an ALP/None town.
Why is everyone ok with the unlawful requirements? That's an automatic RED in my book.

here boy... jump for your treat, jump, jump, almost, maybe next time
true, but if we are being consistent with what red/green/yellow means, then we need to be consistent across all towns.
Watertown 1st time LTC app here...Took Safety course 6-12-22 and left voicemail to LO same day and just got a callback today for an appointment on 6/23/22 so pretty good turn around. Longtime chief just retired earlier this month so we have a new chief who knows what can happen. Nervous tho reading the comments about Watertown being historically red on 1st time ALP applications. The LO I spoke to sounded nice tho so maybe that's something? Letter to chief required, and 2 character letters of reference. Fingers crossed will keep you guys posted
Letter to the chief. Send him the bill of rights and then apply without any of the horse shit. When you get ignored or denied sue the tyrant.
Letter to the chief. Send him the bill of rights and then apply without any of the horse shit. When you get ignored or denied sue the tyrant.
Let me explain how it works in MA.

When you get to district the court will carefully listen to the position of a public safety who has dedicated his/her life to public service and making everyone nice and safe. The court will then listen to a random citizen who is under the misconception he has some sort of right to carry a gun in public. The court will take it under advisement (translation: you get the decision later); dedicate close to a minute carefully thinking about what both sides said and then find against you.

Fighting denials is tough, and even the best attorneys in MA have a less than 50% win rate. Fighting restrictions in district court is harder. And, if you use Heller, you will need to prove you applied for the most restrictive form of license that will allow you to keep a handgun in the home for protection.
Let me explain how it works in MA.

When you get to district the court will carefully listen to the position of a public safety who has dedicated his/her life to public service and making everyone nice and safe. The court will then listen to a random citizen who is under the misconception he has some sort of right to carry a gun in public. The court will take it under advisement (translation: you get the decision later); dedicate close to a minute carefully thinking about what both sides said and then find against you.

Fighting denials is tough, and even the best attorneys in MA have a less than 50% win rate. Fighting restrictions in district court is harder. And, if you use Heller, you will need to prove you applied for the most restrictive form of license that will allow you to keep a handgun in the home for protection.
I am talking about mAss law. there is no law(s) requiring letter(s).
Let me explain how it works in MA.

When you get to district the court will carefully listen to the position of a public safety who has dedicated his/her life to public service and making everyone nice and safe. The court will then listen to a random citizen who is under the misconception he has some sort of right to carry a gun in public. The court will take it under advisement (translation: you get the decision later); dedicate close to a minute carefully thinking about what both sides said and then find against you.

Fighting denials is tough, and even the best attorneys in MA have a less than 50% win rate. Fighting restrictions in district court is harder. And, if you use Heller, you will need to prove you applied for the most restrictive form of license that will allow you to keep a handgun in the home for protection.
Absolutely correct.

But I'm pretty sure it's less than a minute and the judge decides before the hearing, not after [laugh] [smile]
I am talking about mAss law. there is no law(s) requiring letter(s).
Mass law leaves grants up to police chiefs.
Unless you want them to only grant licenses to people they know personally,
it's not hard for them to justify almost any flaming hoop
that can rationally reassure them of the applicant's suitability.
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There is a Mass law leaving grants up to police chiefs.
Unless you want them to only grant licenses to people they know personally,
it's not hard for them to justify almost any flaming hoop
that can rationally reassure them of the applicant's suitability.
so f*** the the laws. and role
so f*** the the laws. and role
Hey I know I havent posted for a while but have an update for Merrimac. So my first LTC was processed in Lynn 180+ day turn around time. I’ve since moved and renewed in Merrimac, and from appointment to license in hand a total of 56 days. Not too shabby.

Though still outside of the 40 day limit set by law (MGL Part I, Title XX, Chapter 140, Section 131):

The licensing authority shall, within 40 days from the date of application, either approve the application and issue the license or deny the application and notify the applicant of the reason for such denial in writing;
Not knowing what you mean by "can happen" I would keep that to myself during the interview.
I mean't that based on searching this forum and previous posts I see that Watertown has historically been a RED town whether in denials or issuing restricted ltc's which are basically useless. I mean't if the new chief is open to honoring 2nd amendment rights it could be favorable for me. who knows, i still find it baffling i even have to submit all these docs.
Watertown 1st time LTC app here...Took Safety course 6-12-22 and left voicemail to LO same day and just got a callback today for an appointment on 6/23/22 so pretty good turn around. Longtime chief just retired earlier this month so we have a new chief who knows what can happen. Nervous tho reading the comments about Watertown being historically red on 1st time ALP applications. The LO I spoke to sounded nice tho so maybe that's something? Letter to chief required, and 2 character letters of reference. Fingers crossed will keep you guys posted
It’s going to be restricted if you’re a regular guy. I did my renewal in April and got my unrestricted renewal 5 weeks later. It was my second renewal
Experience for Arlington, MA for first time LTC: 65 days from interview, 82 days from the LTC class, no restrictions

Took LTC class on 4/1/2022
Turned in paperwork on 4/4/2022
Interview on 4/21/2022
Called on 6/2/2022 and found I was approved, waiting for license to be printed
License printed on 6/5/2022
License arrived at home via mail on 6/25/2022

Looks like I was approved in 40 days but the card wasn’t printed until day 45 then sat on someone’s desk before it got me. Since it’s a state license I’m not sure why it has to go to local PD which adds a bunch of time. Got no restrictions first time so that goes well in this town.
Experience for Arlington, MA for first time LTC: 65 days from interview, 82 days from the LTC class, no restrictions

Took LTC class on 4/1/2022
Turned in paperwork on 4/4/2022
Interview on 4/21/2022
Called on 6/2/2022 and found I was approved, waiting for license to be printed
License printed on 6/5/2022
License arrived at home via mail on 6/25/2022

Looks like I was approved in 40 days but the card wasn’t printed until day 45 then sat on someone’s desk before it got me. Since it’s a state license I’m not sure why it has to go to local PD which adds a bunch of time. Got no restrictions first time so that goes well in this town.
Local PD has the final say. Even after the state approves it the local PD can find you "unsuitable" and deny you.
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