The following Reps have expressed at least some willingness to vote against this bill or at least blunt its abuses. (Not an exhaustive list) It's these Reps we should consider contacting (especially if they're your Reps) with a discussion of Day's 'characterizations' and their disconnect with the content as well as, perhaps, the concerns you have about Day's methods to try and get this passed.
These are the allies, at last partially so and in some cases fully so.
Work the allies and work
your rep. The allies have cause to listen. so they have ammunition.
Your rep has incentive to keep you happy or risk you helping
unseat them.
David Decoste
Senator Michael J. Rodrigues (Democrat)
Jeff Turco
Marcus Vaughn (Norfolk County)
Rep. Steven Howitt
Rep Susannah Whipps (independent)
Paul Feeney
Ryan Fattman (Senator)
Jason Lewis State Senator, Fifth Middlesex District
Will Brownsberger
Marc Lombardo Billerica
Dave Robertson
Rep. Kimberly Ferguson
Steve Xiarhos 5th Barnstable district
Colleen M. Gary
Brad Jones
Matt Muratore
Patrick O'Connor
Alyson Sullivan-Almeida
Jay Barrows
State Representative Steve Xiarhos
Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga "fiercely opposed to HD4420"
James K. Hawkins 'Concerns about the 'sensitive space provisions"
Patrick Kearney
Chris Markey would not support the bill as is. 'doesn't necessarily believe that prohibited areas' are in the public safety interest. The link posted by
@inerlogic :
1420 WBSM – New Bedford's News, Talk and Sports Radio is worth a listen. He also seems to see issues with magazine serialization. He makes flawed arguments about suicide by gun being an indicator of suicide frequency. He is aware of the Chief's letter and takes it to heart.
Edit: Added - Rep, Margaret Scarsdale per
@APFSDS post below.
And, of course the Mass Chiefs:
Meanwhile, Christine Barber seems to have been completely hoodwinked by Day but something in the tone of the letter I read suggests to me anyway, that she might be turned to recognize the 'flaws' in the bill and the 'inconsistencies' between the HD4420 as written and as summarized by Day.