Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

Are they forever in hiding never to go to the range?

So, the police in those states are NOT going door to door???

Surely the police know for certain that some people have AR's.

With non-compliance in Massachusetts to follow 4420 - will people just hide their AR's and it would be an open secret???

Of course they know. And of course they're not going door to door. And of course the same thing will happen here.

Those gun owners await the golden cascade of SCOTUS decisions that should come down over the next several years, after which those ARs will emerge in shining glory to once again bust caps at a range.

Either that, or they're still blasting away at their local ranges and the cops don't GAF. That, too, is likely to happen here.
Dartmouth Rep. Chris Markey on WBSM this morning
i couldn't listen live because i actually have a job...
“If the government says ok we trust you to own guns”

f*** that guy. It’s a god given inalienable right. There should be no permission slips.

f*** Massachusetts.
Of course they know. And of course they're not going door to door. And of course the same thing will happen here.

Those gun owners await the golden cascade of SCOTUS decisions that should come down over the next several years, after which those ARs will emerge in shining glory to once again bust caps at a range.

Either that, or they're still blasting away at their local ranges and the cops don't GAF. That, too, is likely to happen here.
Thomas Jefferson said it most clearly, "Free men do not ask permission to bear arms"
The following Reps have expressed at least some willingness to vote against this bill or at least blunt its abuses. (Not an exhaustive list) It's these Reps we should consider contacting (especially if they're your Reps) with a discussion of Day's 'characterizations' and their disconnect with the content as well as, perhaps, the concerns you have about Day's methods to try and get this passed.

These are the allies, at last partially so and in some cases fully so. Work the allies and work your rep. The allies have cause to listen. so they have ammunition. Your rep has incentive to keep you happy or risk you helping unseat them.

David Decoste
Senator Michael J. Rodrigues (Democrat)
Jeff Turco
Marcus Vaughn (Norfolk County)
Rep. Steven Howitt
Rep Susannah Whipps (independent)
Paul Feeney
Ryan Fattman (Senator)
Jason Lewis State Senator, Fifth Middlesex District
Will Brownsberger
Marc Lombardo Billerica
Dave Robertson
Rep. Kimberly Ferguson
Steve Xiarhos 5th Barnstable district
Colleen M. Gary
Brad Jones
Matt Muratore
Patrick O'Connor
Alyson Sullivan-Almeida
Jay Barrows
State Representative Steve Xiarhos
Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga "fiercely opposed to HD4420"
James K. Hawkins 'Concerns about the 'sensitive space provisions"
Patrick Kearney
Chris Markey would not support the bill as is. 'doesn't necessarily believe that prohibited areas' are in the public safety interest. The link posted by @inerlogic :1420 WBSM – New Bedford's News, Talk and Sports Radio is worth a listen. He also seems to see issues with magazine serialization. He makes flawed arguments about suicide by gun being an indicator of suicide frequency. He is aware of the Chief's letter and takes it to heart.

Edit: Added - Rep, Margaret Scarsdale per @APFSDS post below.

And, of course the Mass Chiefs:

Meanwhile, Christine Barber seems to have been completely hoodwinked by Day but something in the tone of the letter I read suggests to me anyway, that she might be turned to recognize the 'flaws' in the bill and the 'inconsistencies' between the HD4420 as written and as summarized by Day.
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Any public statement will follow dept policy.
The Chief will set policy.
The Chief will follow the instructions of the mayor or selectmen (his boss).

That is if they all want to keep their jobs.

I've mentioned it elsewhere. Chiefs are employees and will say what keeps them employed.
Not to rustle your feathers, but your prediction didn’t age too well with the MCOPA statement that was released. Pleased to see you were dead wrong about PC’s being willing to push back against this.
Speaker Mariano just put out a statement, HD.4420 won’t be debated until the fall. It’s on GOAL’s Facebook page.
Most likely hoping the noise we’ve all been creating dies down. Personally, I say we keep the heat on high and ruin their summer. Keep their phone lines tied up while they’re trying to enjoy family time before their kids have to go back to school. Get on their absolute last nerve, see how they like having someone breathing down THEIR neck for a change
Speaker Mariano just put out a statement, HD.4420 won’t be debated until the fall. It’s on GOAL’s Facebook page.

This is opportunity. Use the delay to send more emails. Make more calls. Reach out to more friends. Win over more people on the fence.

In the meantime, there are cases pending and, perhaps, candidates announcing runs or who could be convinced to run. Sure would be great if, for example, Day had real reason to doubt his reelection with that doubt stemming from his efforts to railroad through this issue.

#$%^&posting is all well and good but we should really make some effort to keep our discussion of peppered anguses in threads more suited to felching about.
Most likely hoping the noise we’ve all been creating dies down. Personally, I say we keep the heat on high and ruin their summer. Keep their phone lines tied up while they’re trying to enjoy family time before their kids have to go back to school. Get on their absolute last nerve, see how they like having someone breathing down THEIR neck for a change
It’s surely time to have an organized well planned response ready for the fall.
Most likely hoping the noise we’ve all been creating dies down. Personally, I say we keep the heat on high and ruin their summer. Keep their phone lines tied up while they’re trying to enjoy family time before their kids have to go back to school. Get on their absolute last nerve, see how they like having someone breathing down THEIR neck for a change

Personally, I think we should all start driving 5mph under the speed limit.

No, actually. Know what? Let's kick it up a notch: SIX mph under the speed limit!

No, seriously, yes to keeping up the pressure. This is very good for us, I think, if we're looking to defeat this. This, I think, is Mariano calling Day into his office and telling him his bill sucks, and he'll get one more crack at it but better not screw it up again. I think what we'll see in the fall will be a very different bill.
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I know it's an important thread. Still, TL;DR

As for "taking action" I move that all persons that belong to a Club in Mass., make a motion that if this bill passes, any use of Club facilities by the local cops for training/qualification be ended.

How many PDs rely upon the local Clubs' good graces.

I think that I'll bring this up at the next monthly meeting.

Might make some impact.

If this was mentioned before, then I'm seconding the idea.<,P-R

Gun Owners' Action League

22m ·

Honorable Members –
Thank you for your attendance at last week’s leadership briefings and continued conversations regarding the House’s gun violence legislation. Many of your questions were centered around the challenging new legal landscape following the Bruen decision. I am thankful for the productive feedback that we received, as well as for the legislators and members of the public who participated in the 11 listening sessions around the Commonwealth. I would also like to offer my sincere gratitude to Chairman Michael Day for thoroughly engaging the public and putting forward such a thoughtful bill for our consideration.

As you have heard me say many times, the Bruen decision fundamentally changed how courts review state gun laws and immediately jeopardized aspects of the laws that have made our Commonwealth a national leader in reducing gun violence. While the House’s commitment to pursuing a comprehensive update remains steadfast, a new legal landscape will be the greatest threat to those efforts. That is why the House believes that we must thoroughly evaluate all of the proposals made in HD4420 over the Summer, and that House Members must have the chance to continue to speak with their constituents and provide feedback. House leadership will continue to work on the bill until it is ready for debate this Fall.

The House believes that the Joint Committee on the Judiciary is uniquely equipped to navigate the legal challenges brought on by SCOTUS decisions, just as it did during our initial response to Bruen and the overturning of Roe. We remain disappointed that the Senate delayed our intended review of this gun violence legislation by insisting on its referral to the Public Safety Committee, despite the fact that just last year, the Senate insisted that a different late-filed bill proposing changes to our gun laws be referred to Judiciary instead of Public Safety. Regardless, you have my word that we will spend the ensuing weeks working with you to address concerns and questions you and your constituents may have about the proposed legislation.

As the House continues its efforts over August, we will work with the Membership, as well as with constituents, advocates and legal experts to ensure that our proposal will make Massachusetts safer, while also standing the test of time.

Sincerely –
Ron Mariano
House Speaker
The vote is delayed until at least the fall.

Honorable Members –

Thank you for your attendance at last week’s leadership briefings and continued conversations regarding the House’s gun violence legislation. Many of your questions were centered around the challenging new legal landscape following the Bruen decision. I am thankful for the productive feedback that we received, as well as for the legislators and members of the public who participated in the 11 listening sessions around the Commonwealth. I would also like to offer my sincere gratitude to Chairman Michael Day for thoroughly engaging the public and putting forward such a thoughtful bill for our consideration.

As you have heard me say many times, the Bruen decision fundamentally changed how courts review state gun laws and immediately jeopardized aspects of the laws that have made our Commonwealth a national leader in reducing gun violence. While the House’s commitment to pursuing a comprehensive update remains steadfast, a new legal landscape will be the greatest threat to those efforts. That is why the House believes that we must thoroughly evaluate all of the proposals made in HD4420 over the Summer, and that House Members must have the chance to continue to speak with their constituents and provide feedback. House leadership will continue to work on the bill until it is ready for debate this Fall.

The House believes that the Joint Committee on the Judiciary is uniquely equipped to navigate the legal challenges brought on by SCOTUS decisions, just as it did during our initial response to Bruen and the overturning of Roe. We remain disappointed that the Senate delayed our intended review of this gun violence legislation by insisting on its referral to the Public Safety Committee, despite the fact that just last year, the Senate insisted that a different late-filed bill proposing changes to our gun laws be referred to Judiciary instead of Public Safety. Regardless, you have my word that we will spend the ensuing weeks working with you to address concerns and questions you and your constituents may have about the proposed legislation.

As the House continues its efforts over August, we will work with the Membership, as well as with constituents, advocates and legal experts to ensure that our proposal will make Massachusetts safer, while also standing the test of time.

Sincerely –

Ron Mariano

House Speaker
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