Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

I'm pleased too, but we shouldn't get too excited; we've been unified before, and we'll be unified again.

The pressure from us helped, but I don't think it helped as much as the fact that this bill goes WAAAAAYY too far. Day will be careful to scale that back in the fall to make it far more palatable, and we'll see then what we can accomplish once we rev up our advocacy once more.

I do think it's likely the new bill won't do anything drastic at all. It'll be an easy bill for both houses to support, with nothing judicially objectionable. Under those circumstances, and given where we already are under MA law, I'm not sure what that kind of bill would look like. Under Bruen, the current system kind of goes as far as it can. I can think of a few things Day could slide in there, but I'm superstitious enough not to want to post them here, lol.
You are 100% right. They'll put in "ghost guns" and a few minor tweaks that will probably withstand judicial review and call it a day. Then they will strut around and say "see, we did something about guns".
Btw, I sent an email to Michelle Ciccolo, my Rep, who would be quite happy disarming us unwashed peasants. I, very respectfully, tried to reason with her about the constitutionality and fairness of the proposed law, and the expense to the state fighting it in court, likely to lose in the end.
Massachusetts House Speaker Mariano Delays Anti-Civil Rights Bill
Blames the U.S. Supreme Court for not Being Able to Oppress Citizens


On Monday, July 24, 2023 Massachusetts House Speaker Ron Mariano issued a statement to the members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. In the release, he announced a delay on any action regarding HD.4420. The bill is referred to as the “Lawful Citizens Imprisonment Act” by the Second Amendment Community.

HD.4420 represents, perhaps, the most egregious anti-civil rights legislation filed by a high-ranking legislative official in this century. Mariano had previously set an aggressive deadline for passing the oppressive act by July 31, 2023. A tremendous goal since the bill was only filed on June 26, 2023.

“It is painfully clear that, whoever actually drafted the bill, had no idea the firestorm of opposition it would set off, said Jim Wallace, Executive Director of Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL). “It was painfully obvious to anyone who paid attention that the, so-called, “listening tour” was a sham from the beginning. Even the opposition to the Second Amendment during the tour continually said that lawful gun owners were not the problem. Chairman Day echoed that sentiment many times, but his legislation reflected just the opposite.”

As GOAL has stated several times since this bill was filed, the Speaker and Chairman Day seem to be channeling Governor Wallace of Alabama after Brown v. Board of Education just 50 years after that infamous speech.

GOAL will continue to work with its members to battle any further oppression of our Second Amendment community. It seems that a government willfully neglectful in punishing criminals, will find another group to persecute to cover up their true intensions.

Massachusetts House Speaker Mariano July 24, 2023“As you have heard me say many times, the Bruen decision fundamentally changed how courts review state gun laws and immediately jeopardized aspects of the laws that have made our Commonwealth a national leader in reducing gun violence. While the House’s commitment to pursuing a comprehensive update remains steadfast, a new legal landscape will be the greatest threat to those efforts.”

Governor George Wallace (Alabama) June 11, 1963The unwelcomed, unwanted, unwarranted and force-induced intrusion upon the campus of the University of Alabama today of the might of the Central Government offers frightful example of the oppression of the rights, privileges and sovereignty of this State by officers of the Federal Government.”
Btw, I sent an email to Michelle Ciccolo, my Rep, who would be quite happy disarming us unwashed peasants. I, very respectfully, tried to reason with her about the constitutionality and fairness of the proposed law, and the expense to the state fighting it in court, likely to lose in the end.

I feel like another bill should be suggested by us to these people.. If we could all come up with some common ground ideas without restrictions on our rights.

First thing would be to make sure these criminals are held accountable for any illegal gun possession.
I see many reports of repeat offenders/ "prohibited people" commonly committing these gun crimes that should have been serving time.

Min sentences of 5 years for 1st offense for criminal possession of a firearm without a ltc

The serious drug dealers should get a min 5 year sentence. No I'm not talking about some small time kid selling bud.( cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl etc...)

Ghost guns are not the issue due to the average person cannot get these homemade firearms and 3d printed firearms to even function properly.

The real issue is stolen guns, and guns trafficking from other states criminals.

Any gun trafficking conviction should have a lifetime sentence, especially because the person selling them knows the criminals wouldn't use for any other purpose than crime / murder

The serialized requirements part of bill HD.4420 wouldn't do a thing to any criminal they would immediately remove or do some mutilation of the all serials all together.

The restrictions on legal carriers of firearms should be never thought of again.

The criminals don't follow any laws so restrictions on my ability to defend myself only feeds the criminals mindset of no possible resistance which leads to more crime riddled city's.

I would like massachusetts to consider being a stand your ground state.

Because some people who do see others lives in danger are afraid to do anything attempting to pull a gun out against a criminal due to the legal repercussions that person the "hero" would have.

The approval of firearms we can own needs to be put to bed because what we want shouldn't need approval by the state to tell us there opinion of which guns are safe. A 10lb trigger actually reduces accuracy for many people, making the gun unsafe to use.

What does banning a scary looking ar15 style rifle actually do? The issue is the criminals not what gun they used.

When in massachusetts has an ar15 style rifle been used in crimes? Most gun crime involves a hand gun.

Also limited capacity magazines do not prevent crime. Most criminals caught with a firearm also have a "high capacity" standard magazine they don't follow these laws that are an unnecessary a burden / limitation to us law abiding citizens.

Let's face it our city's, and streets are flooding with criminals, violence, drugs , human trafficking, homeless, and mental illnesses. We need more ways to help put a stop to this not less.

We need the judicial system to hold these criminals accountable.

We need more mental health support.

We need safety and protection of our homes inside and outside the home.

The stranger's safety for those around us matters too anywhere we go!

Just some thoughts off the top of my head. But I do believe that maybe if they can realize they can actually "do something" with us behind the bill they would be better off.
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Chris Markey would not support the bill as is. 'doesn't necessarily believe that prohibited areas' are in the public safety interest. The link posted by @inerlogic :1420 WBSM – New Bedford's News, Talk and Sports Radio is worth a listen. He also seems to see issues with magazine serialization. He makes flawed arguments about suicide by gun being an indicator of suicide frequency. He is aware of the Chief's letter and takes it to heart.
in the interview he mentions it being illegal to buy a Glock, i messaged him on FB and corrected him on that, he thanked me for the info.
I read one of the posts that said the state might know that there are AW's out there but they don't know who has them. This was said about NY/CT but the implication is MA also is the same.
I brought that up in another thread... i.e., the question of how the old "transfers" database info will be used against us if/when it goes into (or forms the basis of) the all-new "Everything Bagel" super-duper anti-gunowner database. This is an advantage the MA oppressors have over the oppressors in many other states.
You brought this up, and it was rebutted by a (former) CT resident who explained they have a system that's functionally identical to our FA-10.

You're all welcome. I drove to work at 10mph under the speed limit yesterday and now they canceled it.
inspired my hero GIF by So You Think You Can Dance
I feel like another bill should be suggested by us to these people.. If we could all come up with some common ground ideas without restrictions on our rights.

First thing would be to make sure these criminals are held accountable for any illegal gun possession.
I see many reports of repeat offenders/ "prohibited people" commonly committing these gun crimes that should have been serving time.

Min sentences of 5 years for 1st offense for possession without a ltc

I would agree to that for felons or during the commission of a crime. Otherwise, if it's an otherwise law abiding citizen but just didn't have the gov't papers, I'd give them a ticket for a $50 fine and instructions on how to get an ltc. I can think of someone borrowing a gun to hunt or target shoot, and there being a misunderstanding about legality and such.
I would agree to that for felons or during the commission of a crime. Otherwise, if it's an otherwise law abiding citizen but just didn't have the gov't papers, I'd give them a ticket for a $50 fine and instructions on how to get an ltc. I can think of someone borrowing a gun to hunt or target shoot, and there being a misunderstanding about legality and such.
True and there is alot of innocent folks with them lifetime fids
this whole thing could be tactical. Toss out a controversial bill and get everyone worked up, then delay it it and let the opposition settle down. Then later quietly bring it to the floor.
People tend not to get re-energized the second time around, and a scheduling change gets less notice than a new bill.

Do not let it go. Stay on target.
Animated GIF
Why would you increase the penalty for not having the King's permission?

Commonsesnse gun laws:
All HS graduates will have completed a session on firearms safety, to reduce their danger around firearms and to ensure the viability of the militia.
Use of any weapon in a crime is an aggravating factor that increases associated penalties.

I'm pleased too, but we shouldn't get too excited; we've been unified before, and we'll be unified again.

The pressure from us helped, but I don't think it helped as much as the fact that this bill goes WAAAAAYY too far. Day will be careful to scale that back in the fall to make it far more palatable, and we'll see then what we can accomplish once we rev up our advocacy once more.

I do think it's likely the new bill won't do anything drastic at all. It'll be an easy bill for both houses to support, with nothing judicially objectionable. Under those circumstances, and given where we already are under MA law, I'm not sure what that kind of bill would look like. Under Bruen, the current system kind of goes as far as it can. I can think of a few things Day could slide in there, but I'm superstitious enough not to want to post them here, lol.
common use test should eliminate the roster and large capacity. they've gone way past the end, and bruen backs them up a couple of steps.

massachusetts and all other anti-gun states have to start focusing on violent crime, instead of creating more criminals among the law abiding by statute.

this bill is brain dead, without regard for civil rights. whatever you are willing to do with 2a rights, you should be willing to do with voting rights.

and if that doesn't feel right to you, you're doing something wrong in a constitutional republic.
I feel like another bill should be suggested by us to these people.. If we could all come up with some common ground ideas without restrictions on our rights.
I saw this one getting passed around. I like this one.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Legislator's Name]
[Legislator's Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Proposal for "The Day Law"

Dear [Legislator's Name],

I am writing to propose a new law aimed at ensuring the integrity of our legislative process and upholding the sanctity of the Constitution. The purpose of this law, which I am calling "The Day Law," is to establish strict consequences for lawmakers who knowingly submit bills that are blatantly unconstitutional. This proposal seeks to preserve the constitutional framework upon which our nation's laws are built and to hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

The Day Law addresses the following key provisions:

Removal from Office: Any lawmaker who submits a bill that is deemed blatantly unconstitutional by a competent judicial authority shall be immediately removed from office. This provision ensures that elected officials are held responsible for their actions when they disregard the fundamental principles enshrined in our Constitution.

Barred from Office: Any lawmaker removed from office due to the submission of a blatantly unconstitutional bill shall be permanently barred from holding any public office at the local, state, or federal level. This restriction serves as a deterrent, preventing individuals who have demonstrated a disregard for constitutional principles from occupying positions of power.

Mandatory Prison Sentence: Lawmakers found guilty of submitting bills with blatantly unconstitutional aspects shall be subject to a mandatory prison sentence. For each unconstitutional aspect of the bill, the lawmaker will be sentenced to one year of imprisonment. This provision underscores the seriousness of violating the Constitution and emphasizes the need for elected officials to prioritize constitutional fidelity.

The Day Law aims to restore public trust in our legislative system, safeguard the integrity of our Constitution, and discourage the submission of bills that undermine the rights and freedoms of our citizens. By implementing these stringent measures, we send a strong message that elected officials must uphold their oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

I kindly request your careful consideration and support for the proposed Day Law. It is crucial that we take firm steps to uphold the principles upon which our democracy thrives. Together, we can ensure that our legislative process remains a beacon of constitutional governance and accountability.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to discussing this proposal further and working together to strengthen our democratic institutions.


[Your Name]
Why would you increase the penalty for not having the King's permission?

Commonsesnse gun laws:
All HS graduates will have completed a session on firearms safety, to reduce their danger around firearms and to ensure the viability of the militia.
Use of any weapon in a crime is an aggravating factor that increases associated penalties.

and eddie eagle should be in elementary schools. one of the reasons many of us don't see an issue is that we've had safety and responsible ownership drilled into us from an early age.

i've joked with my liberal friends that we do not currently require you to own a weapon as a member of the militia, but perhaps that should change. ;-)
And the outcome isn't guaranteed
And the outcome isn't guaranteed
And the outcome isn't guaranteed

The bill had legal issues that would have been laid bare in court. It's being "cleaned" up and language "fixed" that they hope strengthens their position in court battles.

Going away......hardly....Liberals are like Shingles....always lying in wait ready to erupt....
Min sentences of 5 years for 1st offense for criminal possession without a ltc

Any drug dealers should get a min 5 year sentence.

People who commit crimes should pay their debt to society and then have their rights restored.

And drugs shouldn't be illegal.

I mean, seriously? You would throw a 17 year old selling dime bags in jail for 5 years? These kinds of authoritarian policies benefit nobody.
in the interview he mentions it being illegal to buy a Glock, i messaged him on FB and corrected him on that, he thanked me for the info.
What did he actually say in the interview and how did that come up?

What did YOU actually say to him to clear that up?

When people say Glocks are legal to own but a gun shop can't sell you one - most lay people still think ill of Glocks.
Can you imagine what we could do if we acted like a united front every time a bullshit piece of legislation comes up? Rep Day may have awakened a sleeping giant.
I'll buy into the sleeping giant thing when GOAL membership rises to over 100,000. Until then I have long been a member of the understanding the human attention span club.
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