There is a belief rampart among the political elite who reside in the State House that there is no discernable viable life in the great empty hinterlands west of 495. Apparently, these self-appointed doyens of what constitutes civilized behavior can not envision the concept that normal law-abiding citizens can freely choose to bear arms in defense of their families and themselves as being anything other than a stark societal aberration that requires the immediate, if not sooner, intervention by the Beautiful Elite who know all that there is to know about everything.
The fiscal year has begun and there is still no agreed upon budget as of yet but the House would rather spend its dwindling time on this nonsense bill. I would like to think that the Senate will actually hold public hearings and be more transparent in their legislative evaluation of the bill and actually take gun owner’s concerns into consideration. The House……which gave us such sterling public servants such as Salvatore DiMasi, Thomas Finneran and Charles Flaherty….all former
past Democratic Speakers….and all
current convicted felons…..strikes me as a lost cause at its very best.
I am hoping for at least a tiny semblance of fairness during the Senate review but I fully realize that we are no longer in Kansas and despite madly clicking our heals with so much vigor that they sound like electric castanets gone wild they have already run over our dog and are looking at our sister in an unsavory manner. On a more positive note perhaps this entire sordid affair will give birth to a new state slogan that accurately reflects where the Commonwealth has arrived at these days…..Welcome to Massachusetts…..Where Political Mendacity and Obfuscation Have Risen to The Level of A New Art Form. Now that is something to really be proud of………
What appears to have become a rather widespread gnashing of teeth and renting of garments among those who believe that the bureaucratic abrogation of their Constitutional civil rights is nothing short of presaging a long, slow march in lockstep towards the cattle cars of historically failed socialism has apparently finally drawn the notice of the so called mainstream press. This morning while sipping my warm milk and reading the news at my computer I almost spilled the entire cup when I came across the Masslive article on local opinion pursuant to the proposed 4420 legislation. If this does not merit inclusion in the Man Bites Dog File I don't know what would. This article prompted me to write another in the long line of emails to my Representative and Senator.
She Who Must Be Obeyed and I have entered the autumn of our lives and have absolutely no intention of going quietly into that good night without fighting tooth and nail all the way. I get the sense from reading various on line discussions pursuant to 4420 that this proposed bill has really awakened a collective fundamental disgust amongst decent citizens who have said in unison…at the top of their lungs…..
Robert Browning once wrote, “Ah….but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp. Or what’s a heaven for?” would seem to be an accurate reflection of where we find ourselves these days in the fight for our civil rights but we can draw comfort from that well know preceptive social commentator George Carlin who said "By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth." GOAL and NES are shining a light on the truth and what we do with this knowledge is up to us.
This morning's letter:
Dear Senator Oliveira,
This news article reports on the opinions of both some police chiefs and elected official’s point of view pursuant to the proposed H.D. 4420 legislation. You will note that they are pointing out the same thing that we have said in our prior emails to you in opposition to the legislation as it is presently written.
The issue of crime in the Commonwealth is not one predicated upon the behavior of citizens who lawfully own firearms……
Disarming and criminalizing law-abiding citizens will not in any way, shape or form have any reductive impact on the crime rate in the Commonwealth, what it will do is increase the overall rate of victimization of decent people just trying to provide security and safety for their families and themselves to the best of their collective abilities.
When the time arrives for you to consider the proposed legislation, we respectfully request that you afford serious consideration to the demonstrative negative impact legislation such as this present example will impose upon the citizens of the Commonwealth in general and upon your constituents in particular.
Classifying by blind edict law-abiding people as criminals will not now nor in the future have any constructive impact on the crime situation…..
it never has and it never will.
Thank you for your time.
Police, municipal leaders in Western Mass. weigh in on state gun bill
- Published: Jul. 24, 2023, 7:57 p.m.
Police, municipal leaders in Western Mass. weigh in on state gun bill -
Meanwhile, other officials in Western Massachusetts said the gun bill misfired, and that attention was better spent working on bills that would make changes to the justice system.
In a written statement, Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno said the issue of gun violence was best addressed by jailing repeat violent criminal offenders.
“If you want to reduce and help mitigate gun violence, you need to hold these repeat violent criminal offenders in jail,” Sarno said. “To keep releasing these violent criminal offenders back out onto our streets and into our community is foolhardy and only continues the revolving door of our justice system which harms and hurts our community and residents.”
Springfield Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood said licensed gun owners are not the issue and added that lawmakers should create legislation that would address the small percentage of criminals who are repeat violent criminal offenders.
“Springfield Police Department fully supports any legislation and action that would help reduce and mitigate criminal activity,” Clapprood said. “Although I believe the intent of this legislation means well,
in truth the ... language does nothing to address the issue of illegal guns and ghost guns being used in criminal activity by repeat violent criminal offenders.”
One law that could help, she said, is the Bartley-Fox law, enacted in 1975, which “could substantially help reduce gun violence if it was utilized more by our courts.”
Westfield Mayor Michael A. McCabe, formerly a long-serving police captain in his city prior to being elected mayor, said,
“If you remove guns from folks who have lawful ownership, you are removing” a key deterrent against being victimized by criminals.
”We probably have in Massachusetts the toughest gun law application system in the nation, and a gun ownership vetting process second to none,” he said.
The mayor said law-abiding citizens contribute an important role in community safety.
In a
July 14 post on Facebook, the Ware Police Department said the bill on Beacon Hill would hamper law enforcement and affect law-abiding citizens.
”A plethora of blatantly unconstitutional proposals litter this travesty of a bill, too many to mention here; however, of particular egregiousness is the criminalization of carrying firearms in certain so-called ‘prohibited locations,’ including businesses and private properties, EVEN WHILE HOLDING A VALID LICENSE TO CARRY. Not even off-duty police officers will be exempted from this appalling mandate,” the post says.
In an interview, Ware Police Chief Shawn C. Crevier said, “Massachusetts has great firearms laws. Legislators should focus their efforts on the court system enforcing penalties for these gun laws.”