I have had a similar conversation.No.
I had a co-worker at a previous gig ask, "How come gun people don't want to compromise?"
I said, "If I tell you, 'give me $100 or I'll beat the crap out of you,' then roll the monetary demand back to $50, is that a compromise? No, it's just less extortion. It's only a compromise if both sides give up something."
I was thinking about going down the list, item by item, but decided "No" was easier.
I pointed out that the status quo is never enough. Let's say that we live in a land where there are no background checks at all. We think this is just fine. The Antis think this is horrible as anyone can walk into your local S-Mart and buy a shotgun out of a barrel. They want a background check for all sales. We think that background checks might be a reasonable thing but bring up that we would have to do background checks for gifts and inheritances and that might be a bit unreasonable. They agree and now we have background checks through dealers but not private sales. A compromise.
Ten years down the road they want to close the "private sale loophole". Now we are fighting the same fight again but this time a 100% win would be to keep the compromise we made last time. So we compromise again and now private sales need background checks while inheritances don't. Another compromise.
Ten years later they want to close the inheritance loophole...
Today's compromise is tomorrow's loophole.
It applies to everything government sticks their nose into. It's only a little tax on a few items. It's only a little tax on a few more items. It's only a little tax on all items. It's only a little tax hike. It's only a small percent of your income...
Because of this, the answer to "common sense" asks is "no".