A few more thoughts to share with Representative Roy......
If you want to REALLY ......TRULY.......CAUSE MR. ROY'S EYES TO GLAZE OVER.....you might calmly and quietly inquire if during the course of his due diligence pursuant to the issue of MORE infringement on our Constitutional civil rights, has he become aware of the findings of the following report published by that noted "right wing pro-gun" organization known as:
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If you go to page 179 of this forum thread and message #5352 you will discover my amateur analysis of
the Republic's own data that leads a reasonable person to conclude that the leading cause of death for young people was suicide and NOT LAW-FUL GUN OWNERS.
An excerpt from that post:
Yes......it is true that people do in fact die in the Republic over a range of all age groups on a daily basis.
Out of the listed cause of death suicide is one that could greatly benefit from some serious study and financial investment especially in the very vulnerable age range of 15-24 for children and 25-44 for adults.
Despite my best efforts to do so I was unable to discover any potential facets of the 4420 proposal that actually address the real causes of children's death and try to do something constructive about those causes.
If you print out the various charts and graphs from that official Republic report and hand them to him don't be surprised if he is suddenly overcome by a severe clinical case of the vapors.
The following was my last of many emails written to both my senator and representative. Since sending them I have not heard back from either one.........I am shocked, shocked as Captain Renault said when he was in Rick's Cafe.
Dear Senator/Representative,
This news article reports on the opinions of both some police chiefs and elected official’s point of view pursuant to the proposed H.D. 4420 legislation. You will note that they are pointing out the same thing that we have said in our prior emails to you in opposition to the legislation as it is presently written.
The issue of crime in the Commonwealth is not one predicated upon the behavior of citizens who lawfully own firearms……
Disarming and criminalizing law-abiding citizens will not in any way, shape or form have any reductive impact on the crime rate in the Commonwealth, what it will do is increase the overall rate of victimization of decent people just trying to provide security and safety for their families and themselves to the best of their collective abilities.
When the time arrives for you to consider the proposed legislation we respectfully request that you afford serious consideration to the demonstrative negative impacts legislation such as this present example will impose upon the citizens of the Commonwealth in general and upon your constituents in particular.
Classifying by blind edict law-abiding people as criminals will not now nor in the future have any constructive impact on the crime situation…..it never has and it never will.
Thank you for your time.
If you find any of my musings to be of passing assistance to you during your own part in this struggle against the forces of dark and insipid institutional ignorance, feel free to employ them as you will.
And don't forget:
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