New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Hi all!

David in Foxboro, got into firearms last summer so fairly new to it all. Was an expensive past year purchasing during pandemic months. Work from home in the Healthcare industry. I heard of NES while standing in line as a local gun shop. Signed up and became a member. Been browsing the forums and classified a lot. Great site and look forward to being a continued member..
Hi all!

David in Foxboro, got into firearms last summer so fairly new to it all. Was an expensive past year purchasing during pandemic months. Work from home in the Healthcare industry. I heard of NES while standing in line as a local gun shop. Signed up and became a member. Been browsing the forums and classified a lot. Great site and look forward to being a continued member.
Welcome to all of the new members. It's great to see more folks getting into shooting, especially in places that they don't make it easy to do so.
For ammo, consider setting up an account with Target Sports USA. They will ship right to your door, even in Mass, and I support them just because they have the balls to stand up to our ridiculous AG who tries to intimidate them and make her own laws.
Also please consider supporting GOAL and Comm2A. They are on our side and do more than anyone to support us.
Not sure if I did this post the right way (?)
Used to do lot of shooting, been away from guns 20 years, had none anymore. Disabled now, and with things so crazy past year or so, got worried, being an easy target. Decided time to get something again just in case and not be left helpless if things go nuts. Got armed again.
Live south of Boston, over age 65 now, military 69-71. Used to hunt waterfowl, shoot club and tournament trap, lots of centerfire revolver shooting including steel silhouette 200 yard stuff. Used to reload alot, shotgun and revolver. Shot thousands of rounds a year. Cost would be crazy now. Did club pistol team 50' indoor range .22 bullseye stuff for long time too. Got short 'home' type shotgun, and 9mm semi, but feels odd, was always revolvers.
Welcome to NES! New folks should check in here and say HI!

Tell us about yourself...Where you live, your firearms experience, and how you found Northeastshooters! Thanks!
Used to do lot of shooting, been away from guns 20 years, had none anymore. Disabled now, and with things so crazy past year or so, got worried, being an easy target. Decided time to get something again just in case and not be left helpless if things go nuts. Got armed again.
Live south of Boston, over age 65 now, military 69-71. Used to hunt waterfowl, shoot club and tournament trap, lots of centerfire revolver shooting including steel silhouette 200 yard stuff. Used to reload alot, shotgun and revolver. Shot thousands of rounds a year. Cost would be crazy now. Did club pistol team 50' indoor range .22 bullseye stuff for long time too. Got short 'home' type shotgun, and 9mm semi, but feels odd, was always revolvers.
Nothing wrong with revolvers. Whatever you are comfortable using, that is the best weapon. Welcome to the family.
Used to do lot of shooting, been away from guns 20 years, had none anymore. Disabled now, and with things so crazy past year or so, got worried, being an easy target. Decided time to get something again just in case and not be left helpless if things go nuts. Got armed again.
Live south of Boston, over age 65 now, military 69-71. Used to hunt waterfowl, shoot club and tournament trap, lots of centerfire revolver shooting including steel silhouette 200 yard stuff. Used to reload alot, shotgun and revolver. Shot thousands of rounds a year. Cost would be crazy now. Did club pistol team 50' indoor range .22 bullseye stuff for long time too. Got short 'home' type shotgun, and 9mm semi, but feels odd, was always revolvers.
I prefer the wheel guns to the auto jammers as well. Your personal defense weapon needs to feel right.
Welcome aboard.
New member checking in from Central MA. I’ve lived around the US a bit, and have been in states with both worse and much better gun laws.

I grew up around firearms, and did a fair amount of hunting, fishing and scuba diving in my day. I have owned just about every category of firearm at one point or another, and have had LTC’s in other states. Also have some tactical firearms training under my belt.

I moved here several years ago with really young kids to take a job, and sold off my entire gun collection before I arrived. I did not have the time to deal with the MA licensing/declaration issues, and most of my guns at the time would not be legal here anyway…

Fast forward to now, and I am finally getting back into shooting again. My son is now interested as well, and old enough to start learning. I am currently going through my LTC process and am going to start accumulating what I legally can while I wait. For the most part, that will be a safe, and getting set back up to reload. I did hold onto my range bag/gear and a pretty good collection of gun cleaning stuff, so will go from there.

I will probably be asking some questions in the reloading forum soon, and am hoping to contribute here at some point as well….
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Thank you for such a great site. I’ve been lurking for years and finally went green. I didn’t want to be the over-familiar FNG so I learned who’s who and how to behave before really opening my mouth. I live in SE Mass and intend to move the family to Tennessee as soon as possible.
Thank you for such a great site. I’ve been lurking for years and finally went green. I didn’t want to be the over-familiar FNG so I learned who’s who and how to behave before really opening my mouth. I live in SE Mass and intend to move the family to Tennessee as soon as possible.
Sorry man, you are never going to fit in here. You are way to smart to be an NES member! [laugh]
JK. Welcome to NES.
Got short 'home' type shotgun, and 9mm semi, but feels odd, was always revolvers.
For many years, my bed side safe was adorned with a 4"-357 magnum and a couple of speed loaders. It will likely end up back there some day.
357 magnum - low recoil, hollow points, are damn good medicine for things that go bump in the night.
There is much debate about the effectiveness of certain calibers, magazine capacity, semi auto's reliability, and on and on. But one thing few people argue about is the effectiveness of 357 magnum.
I'm with you. I love the simplicity, look and feel of a well made wheel gun. There is just something about the feel of a good wheel gun that just seems right.

Welcome to NES. I hope you like it here and contribute. There is strength in our numbers and the pool of knowledge it brings.
Thanks @fencer . If nobody crapped on me in my first week, I wouldn’t feel welcome at all.
My first week I was the recipient of an epic beat down by Scrivener because I wasn't as smart as you and opened my mouth!
I was so pissed off that I immediately went green and have been ever since.
Then I learned not to take it personally, to grow some thicker skin, and that meh, it's the internet.

NES is my go to for everything from tractor and automotive advice, to current events and inside info. Hell, after watching a weather report about an impending snow storm, you gotta see what NES has to say about it!
It;s funny but we fall into basic categories. Those who buy snow tires, and those that do not. Those that like Glocks and Rugers and those who are smarter than that, and of course AK and AR folks. There are some subcategories as well. [laugh]

My first week I was the recipient of an epic beat down by Scrivener because I wasn't as smart as you and opened my mouth!
I was so pissed off that I immediately went green and have been ever since.
Then I learned not to take it personally, to grow some thicker skin, and that meh, it's the internet.

NES is my go to for everything from tractor and automotive advice, to current events and inside info. Hell, after watching a weather report about an impending snow storm, you gotta see what NES has to say about it!
It;s funny but we fall into basic categories. Those who buy snow tires, and those that do not. Those that like Glocks and Rugers and those who are smarter than that, and of course AK and AR folks. There are some subcategories as well. [laugh]

I’ve learned that my occasional carrying of a 40 makes me somewhat less than masculine too. 😆

In all seriousness, you’re right. I’m always on here because there’s a unique way of looking at things amongst our number. It’s not an echo chamber either.
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