New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Hi everyone! Have had a few friends on NES for years, but have never signed up. I'm originally from Massachusetts, but have lived in Michigan for the last 10 years. Still visit MA often to visit family and friends and in light of the Bruen decision, I've decided to finally apply for a MA non-res LTC. Looking forward to participating on NES!
Hi and good luck.
Hi Everyone,
I’ve lurked for a while but followed more closely when my son and I wanted to dive more into hunting in addition to the fishing we do. I started my LTC process and couldn’t believe the resources on here, and I figured joining would be best as my son gets older (and I seek advice from those who know!). He is looking at a law enforcement career as a main option and is in HS now.

I’m from MA and live here now, but went to school in the Midwest, which is where/when most of my shooting experience was. Lots of open farmland!

Excited to be on here and thanks for the enormous amount of info.
Hi Everyone,
I’ve lurked for a while but followed more closely when my son and I wanted to dive more into hunting in addition to the fishing we do. I started my LTC process and couldn’t believe the resources on here, and I figured joining would be best as my son gets older (and I seek advice from those who know!). He is looking at a law enforcement career as a main option and is in HS now.

I’m from MA and live here now, but went to school in the Midwest, which is where/when most of my shooting experience was. Lots of open farmland!

Excited to be on here and thanks for the enormous amount of info.
Welcome aboard. The State has some good programs for hunter education classes. My son took his at 16 so he could get an FID.
They also have classes in map reading and a few other things and it's free.
Hey all! I've visited the forums on occasion for discussions on the legality of various things as I live in MA and the law here can be murky. Been a casual firearms owner for a few years and finally decided it would be worthwhile to join. Looking forward to interacting and learning more with everyone. Cheers!
Hey all! I've visited the forums on occasion for discussions on the legality of various things as I live in MA and the law here can be murky. Been a casual firearms owner for a few years and finally decided it would be worthwhile to join. Looking forward to interacting and learning more with everyone. Cheers!
Become a Green member and you will have access to even more info.
Back after a 3 year hiatus.. Hats off to my local PD in Granby - 26 day turnaround time from application to LTC in hand.
I'm Nick, 35, and just freshly got my LTC. FID holder from 18. Now I am in for the depressing part of being a LTC Holder in MA, which is seeing all the new amazing firearms I will never be able to purchase.

I did want to take a few moments and thank everyone on here who did take the time to answer my tedious questions over the years, and just deal with me in general. Hope everyone had a happy and safe new year as well as a great holiday.
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Hi all-

New member here. Moved to MA a few years ago from Texas and getting used to all the rules, working my way through the LTC-A application right now. That's where I found the Mass Gun Laws forum and this helpful community.

Looking forward to getting back into shooting. In TX, a group of us would go shooting once a month and do group vs group clay shoots, handgun practice and a bit of long-rifle shooting as well.

I was given a Para 1911 as a wedding gift years ago, and it was my first gun. I was never a good shot with it (but a-OK with a 12 gauge and clays), and feel like I taught myself a lot of bad habits by the time I had over 500 rounds through it. Thinking of going back to the basics and picking up a Ruger MK II to start fresh.
Hi all-

New member here. Moved to MA a few years ago from Texas and getting used to all the rules, working my way through the LTC-A application right now. That's where I found the Mass Gun Laws forum and this helpful community.

Looking forward to getting back into shooting. In TX, a group of us would go shooting once a month and do group vs group clay shoots, handgun practice and a bit of long-rifle shooting as well.

I was given a Para 1911 as a wedding gift years ago, and it was my first gun. I was never a good shot with it (but a-OK with a 12 gauge and clays), and feel like I taught myself a lot of bad habits by the time I had over 500 rounds through it. Thinking of going back to the basics and picking up a Ruger MK II to start fresh.

Damn! You did what I hope to do, in reverse, in a year or two.

Well, welcome anyways.
Damn! You did what I hope to do, in reverse, in a year or two.

Well, welcome anyways.
Thanks! Yeah, Mass wasn't my first choice to be honest, but we followed the jobs. I still miss Texas and a state that treats me like I've got a few brain cells between my ears. But we've grown to like a lot of things about living up here; the taxes, general cost of living, and regulations being none of them!
I hear ya about the jobs. That's how I ended up back here some 32 years ago. Only an aged mother keeps me here now.

What part of Texas if I may ask?
Thanks! Yeah, Mass wasn't my first choice to be honest, but we followed the jobs. I still miss Texas and a state that treats me like I've got a few brain cells between my ears. But we've grown to like a lot of things about living up here; the taxes, general cost of living, and regulations being none of them!
You ain't seen nothing yet. We now have a governor who ignores the constitution and makes whatever rules that pop into her tiny head.
Hi All, exicted to be here. I'm a Mainer who married into MA some years ago. (So, to be honest, here mostly for my wife and jobs.) Have had guns most of my adult life, got a MA LTC shortly after settling here permanently more than 10 years ago. Still miss Maine; more and more with every election. I love all things outdoors, but only recently have had the time and money to get into hunting. I'm really starting to develop a passion for it.
Hi Everyone,
I’ve lurked for a while but followed more closely when my son and I wanted to dive more into hunting in addition to the fishing we do. I started my LTC process and couldn’t believe the resources on here, and I figured joining would be best as my son gets older (and I seek advice from those who know!). He is looking at a law enforcement career as a main option and is in HS now.

I’m from MA and live here now, but went to school in the Midwest, which is where/when most of my shooting experience was. Lots of open farmland!

Excited to be on here and thanks for the enormous amount of info.
Welcome to less freedoms state 😂
Thanks for going green and supporting the NES community.
Hi all, lived in MA most of my life. I started bowhunting a couple years back and now I'm looking to give it a shot with a firearm. I got some useful information about the LTC process on here and started browsing around more and figured I'd make it official with an account.
Hello, new to the forum, lived in MA all my life. Waiting for approval on my LTC and I found this place while doing research.
Still deciding on what to get for my 1st firearm, lots of choices.
Hello and Welcome.
Deciding on a first gun is always a hard decision. You can start to narrow down your choice by your primary purpose for a gun; hunting, target shooting or personal protection.
Hello, new to the forum, lived in MA all my life. Waiting for approval on my LTC and I found this place while doing research.
Still deciding on what to get for my 1st firearm, lots of choices.
Welcome aboard. You can find information here on just about anything, including firearms. This group has people in almost any business you can think of. Become a paid member if you can and help support the group.
We can be a bit caustic sometimes but don't take it too seriously because we like to have fun also.
New to the forum, although I have lived in various parts of New England for 20+ years. We moved back to MA and I was pleasantly surprised that my LTC would be a renewal and not a new application even with a 10 year lapse. I used to shoot CMP high-power quite a bit and may get back into that game. I'll also be on the HAM radio sections.

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