securityboy said:My daughter is 2 I can tell her all I want not to touch my guns, that they are dangerous, just like I tell her standing on the couch is dangerous. But some times she still stands on the couch...And I am not sure most kids under say 6 really understand the difference in "dangerousness" of things. So needless to say I am not willing to let my word alone be the only thing between her and my guns, so I keep them where she can't reasonably get them unsupervised...
I just think it is silly to expell a 5 year just for bringing a gun to school, with no real ill intent...
Just my 2 cents
I agree with you for the most part. I do keep my guns in a safe. And I do think that 2 year olds know more than we give them credit for. Mine will tell you things all the time that are dangerous.
Funny, and I don't know where she got it from. But when we bought the minivan, she asked what color. I told her black. She tells us, "NO black. Black is dangerous." I had to laugh.
But if you work with them, and keep telling them things, they pretty much get it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to leave them alone with a gun out in the open. But I think that if you work with them, they get it. And yes, they still do things that they're not supposed to do, but there are things that they get aren't good for them.