HORA DOLOR: Winter Failings. Feb 24th. Information within!


Pistols will be 6 rounds per mag for the 2 required magazines. As before, additional magazines are as many as your greasy palms can stuff in to whatever you are carrying.
hmmm.. 1911 or glock 21... decisions decisions.

edit: does anyone have any 10/15 rounders for 1911's I may borrow?

Confirmed (means you paid on time [wink])
  1. Squiggly <---you two get a map this time [smile]
  2. Spontoon [smile]
  3. Short Bus Ninja I was skeptical about legality, but he swears she's preban...[laugh]
  4. Wildly Inaccurate Reports
  5. SHHHHH, be Vewwy Quiet
  6. Entropy
  7. Cape Clods
  8. Low Speed, High Drag
  9. Power Bottom
  10. Tiger Blood
  11. Where's John and Ringo?
  12. Boyka!!!^3
  13. Spray and Pray
  14. One Hit Wonders
  15. TRGC Represented
  16. Scarecrow
  17. MSC
  18. Good N You
Full speedloaders!

You're a wheelgun guy?! Oh man.. what's next?? You going to tell us sailboats rule and powerboats are for the uncouth?!

- - - Updated - - -

Little update for folks..

Joe dipped in to the ranges budget and bought some shiny new pistol targets for y'all kats and kittens today!
Plate carrier and assorted gear has been on the UPS truck for delivery all day! I keep tracking it and nothing! I wonder if anybody will freak out if I show up at the gym on monday in full Hora Dolor loadout mode and hit the treadmill.
If anyone questions you, just respond "The zombies are coming, I don't have to outrun them, just have to outrun you!"
Joe said it was required that I wear a cape to compete. Is this true?
You are encouraged to enter the area like this....

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There are currently 19 teams signed on and paid (Thank you to everybody on that list!). There is room for one more (or Morgan and I can be the Ambiguosly Gay Duo, Second Purse Same as the First). Due to timing and making sure shirts actually come in on time, I had to order them (five minutes ago, per this posting) today. They will be at my house on the 20th....talk about cutting it close. lol.

We've added a great little First place prize, and if you really suck, your name gets stamped on the AK of the Pathetic
If you shoot a punt gun offhand I vote that you automaticly win due to the shear awesomness

If I shoot a punt gun offhand, my descendant will be very proud of my glorious victory, but he will regret the loss of his father...

Of course, tragically, my research has yet to yield any punt-guns in budget either. I found some rusted blunderbusses, but that just doesn't have the same level of awesomeness.
I'm wearing my king richards fair stuff, mostly...and yes, I'll have on a cape. Going to be interesting, trying to fire a 1911 with a sword belt on.
still running the carrier buy so if anyone needs a plate carrier--get your ass in there (please). if i can hit 25 units we all get a good deal sub-$200!!!

i don't think it will arrive in time for the hora dolor though. i also talked to derek about wearing the full set of plates and got some insight from someone who has done all that crap before and i may take a few out if i do run with them considering the whole set will be %60 of my body weight. [laugh]
GeorgeD: Yes YOU do! :) If it's "exciting" colors, you will receive bonus man points. I am sure of it.

Lupis: Your decendant will revel in your glory. For glory is forever. And on the off chance that you do not die the ladies will flock upon you like.. well.. ask Nicole, she is a lady and I have never had one flock upon me.

Except once.. but then she told me I had snot "all over" my face. True story.
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