HORA DOLOR: Winter Failings. Feb 24th. Information within!

So, this is my AR ammo.

should be fine. probably was having the magnet stick because they are bimetal jackets.

Ahh, good point. Doing research now to see if my 30.06 is the same.

Holy cowbell, useful info from Atilla that did not contain references to any bodily secretions or banana suits!

"HXP Ammo is ball but is attracted to a magnet due to small amount of steel under copper/brass gliding metal. It is not armor piercing ammo! Some ranges thinking in-correctly that it IS armor piercing, do not allow it. Will not harm or wear your bore anymore than any non-magnetic ball ammo"
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That is good, we are all in with wood and steel then. No plastic guns.

Just paid, no turning back now!
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I'm bringing my Ithaca 37 deerslayer 12 ga. for the slug gun for both runs and my .44 magnum pistol for one run!
With two runs, I figure I can go all manual all the way for at least one of them. The question is whether I want to shoot my Mosin enough to clean it afterwards...
With two runs, I figure I can go all manual all the way for at least one of them. The question is whether I want to shoot my Mosin enough to clean it afterwards...

If you shoot your mosin, don't use surplus, it's all steel core. 174g or heavier is OK, though.

For everybody: plan on three runs. We will get two minimum, and we're hoping for a third. Hell, if we can do four, let's do four!
If you shoot your mosin, don't use surplus, it's all steel core. 174g or heavier is OK, though.

For everybody: plan on three runs. We will get two minimum, and we're hoping for a third. Hell, if we can do four, let's do four!

Ok. If we're hoping to get three runs, I'll make sure to bring the Mosin for at least one. Mosin + coach gun + revolver for glorious defeat!
I hope I can find enough ammo before then. I could say my partner sux, but I am probably no better, lol.
are we doing loadout pictures? will need to take one.

ABSOLUTELY! We missed doing that for the Fall Hora Dolor, we shan't miss that again. The loadout pic at MRGC for atmay's run was great. Especially the before/after shot [smile]

Ok. If we're hoping to get three runs, I'll make sure to bring the Mosin for at least one. Mosin + coach gun + revolver for glorious defeat!
We're hoping to get FOUR runs.[laugh] And that loadout will be fantastic to watch [thumbsup]
I hope I can find enough ammo before then. I could say my partner sux, but I am probably no better, lol.
PM me if you're short.
Will we be able to re-provision between runs?

This, primarily, will be a stagger-start. ie. Teams 1 and 2 will launch at 10. Teams 3 and 4 will launch at 10:10 (or some equivalent), etc....

Upon finishing, get your gear ready for another run, there should be a gap between finishes. Worse case, we'll give some time to reset your gear [wink]

Confirmed (means you paid on time )

3.Short Bus Ninja
4.Wildly Inaccurate Reports
5.SHHHHH, be Vewwy Quiet
7.Cape Clods
8.Low Speed, High Drag
9.Power Bottom
10.Tiger Blood
11.Where's John and Ringo?
13.Spray and Pray
14.Knife at a Fun Fight
15.One Hit Wonders

Unconfirmed (though still placeholders)
Chris K. and teammate
Dan V. and teammate
Team Full Metal Jackass
Team It's Time to 2A

This is what is on the farm right now. I am going to be sending in the shirt and food order at some point this week to make sure they're sent on time. That being said, it takes two weeks to process them.....meaning I will send out the order on Tuesday. PM me if you can't make this deadline for some weird reason (zombies have hacked your bank, etc).
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I'm definitely in, just trying to nail down the financing. Once again, the fed is screwing with soldiers paychecks and mine is overdue by a week. If I have not been paid by the morning, I'll shoot a pm.
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