New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Greetings NES,
My name is Randy and I recently landed in Uxbridge, MA. I originally found the site while researching Mass Gun laws for my LTC last year, but joined at the recommendation of a friend and NES member. I moved back to New England after many years in FL, and grew up shooting in southern NH. I learned to shoot from my Dad, followed up by Scouting and have passed on a love for firearms to my son, who plans on sharing it with his kids soon. While I’ve been shooting for most of my life, I’ve rediscovered a passion for it in recent months. While I’ve visited a few ranges, I’m looking for a club to join and am exploring different competitions and events to see what interests me. Hoping to have the green banner soon and I’m already exploring the site beyond just plowing through the patently absurd gun laws here in MA......While I have to live under them, I don’t have to like it, right?
Hi Folks! I'm Aaron. I'm in the Worcester, MA area. I've been in the Air National Guard for 17 years, so I've got some experience shooting from there. I got my LTC about a year ago and I've been going to gun stores to figure out what I want to buy. Looking to start hunting squirrels with my son this year. I've been lurking on these forums for the last 8 months reading up on MA gun laws. I also mailed in my $19 check for membership this week. Hoping it gets there early enough to let me enter this month's drawing.
Hello all. Just got my license this past year so have been trying to navigate the wonderful MA gun laws . Found the site a few months ago, made a few purchases, and learned a lot. Happy to go green and contribute to a great community.
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Greetings NES,
My name is Randy and I recently landed in Uxbridge, MA. I originally found the site while researching Mass Gun laws for my LTC last year, but joined at the recommendation of a friend and NES member. I moved back to New England after many years in FL, and grew up shooting in southern NH. I learned to shoot from my Dad, followed up by Scouting and have passed on a love for firearms to my son, who plans on sharing it with his kids soon. While I’ve been shooting for most of my life, I’ve rediscovered a passion for it in recent months. While I’ve visited a few ranges, I’m looking for a club to join and am exploring different competitions and events to see what interests me. Hoping to have the green banner soon and I’m already exploring the site beyond just plowing through the patently absurd gun laws here in MA......While I have to live under them, I don’t have to like it, right?

Hi there, BrUiRcNeR. Welcome to NES, Randy. Thanks for the intro post. You found NES the same many of us have. Great that you're back into shooting again and have passed on this love to your son. Look forward to seeing your posts around the forum. Thanks for becoming a green member to support to community.

Hi Folks! I'm Aaron. I'm in the Worcester, MA area. I've been in the Air National Guard for 17 years, so I've got some experience shooting from there. I got my LTC about a year ago and I've been going to gun stores to figure out what I want to buy. Looking to start hunting squirrels with my son this year. I've been lurking on these forums for the last 8 months reading up on MA gun laws. I also mailed in my $19 check for membership this week. Hoping it gets there early enough to let me enter this month's drawing.

Hi Aaron, welcome to NES! If possible, get to a public range where you can actual shoot some of the guns you think you might be interested in. It's the best way (imo) to determine what gun you should purchase, especially as your first one. Thanks for becoming a green member to support to community! Good luck on this month's drawing, it's comin' up... [fingers crossed, for myself, of course ;)]

Hello all. Just got my license this past year so have been trying to navigate the wonderful MA gun laws . Found the site a few months ago, made a few purchases, and learned a lot. Happy to go green and contribute to a great community.

Hi J_in_MA, welcome, welcome. 'Grats on the purchases you've made already... though your wallet probably won't be happy, here's to many more [mg] Thanks for the green support!
Hello all.... My name is Lee, I have been shooting for some time now, have my LTC, I live in Southeastern MA, member of a great gun club in Tiverton RI, In the process of applying for my LTC for RI non-resident. I have learned a lot from NES and finally decided to bite the bullet and join.
Hello all.... My name is Lee, I have been shooting for some time now, have my LTC, I live in Southeastern MA, member of a great gun club in Tiverton RI, In the process of applying for my LTC for RI non-resident. I have learned a lot from NES and finally decided to bite the bullet and join.
Welcome and Buy a Glock [smile]
Hello NES,
Registered a month or so ago and became a member today! I moved from Florida a couple weeks ago due to my wife being recruited by a company in Boston. Made the move knowing the guns laws here are somewhat .....complicated.
I have been shooting since my 20's and competing for the past 10+ years. Before I left Florida , I would compete in USPSA, 3 gun, Action Rifle, and PRS (565 & 1000 yrd matches). I also load all of my own ammo.
I am applying for my LTC now and getting ready to take a firearms course that was recommended by GOAL and other members of this site.
You guys have been a valuable resource for me over the past month or so trying to make sure I don't take a wrong turn and get myself in trouble. Thank you for that...I'm hopeful I'll get to meet some of you at the range or upcoming matches.


Welcome mike[wave]
Sorry to hear you had to move to where the weather is cold and unfriendly, and gun laws are even colder and more unfriendly[laugh].

It sounds like you've got above average experience so share you knowledge freely. I'm looking forward to your posts.

I think you have a schedule problem. The grace period for moving in state with guns and no LTC is 60 days and though the law states the .gov must either issue or deny you an LTC within 40, it never happens in 40. I hope you were able to move to a green town. Either way, good luck and welcome to the forum[thumbsup]
Hi everyone. I'm Tim. I don't think I've posted at all yet, so here's my intro. I'm from southeastern MA and right now I'm looking to get an AR-15 before they're totally illegal :p Recently got my LTC about 2 years ago. Carry a shield 9 now. I really should be a more active member of this forum haha.
Hi everyone. I'm Tim. I don't think I've posted at all yet, so here's my intro. I'm from southeastern MA and right now I'm looking to get an AR-15 before they're totally illegal :p Recently got my LTC about 2 years ago. Carry a shield 9 now. I really should be a more active member of this forum haha.

Welcome, Tim [wave] Buy all the ARs. I carried a Shield 9 for a couple years then I got a G43 and it's been my daily carry now. No ragretz. Regarding being more active... come one, come all, I say! Lots of people lurk just purely for info they need but a lot of people also show up daily and make it their routine to check the site for news, see what's up with other members, etc... it's like a biggg family ;) Looking forward to you posting more around the forum!

Cheers [mg]
Hey guys. My name is Josh. I just recently joined neshooters after looking through the forums for the last few months and gaining some invaluable info. I was born and raised in Brewster on good ole Cape Cod. I still live in Brewster with my wife and two Labrador retrievers in a house we purchased about a mile from my childhood home. My wife and I have been shooting for a long time due to a large amount of military/law enforcement in our families/friends. We both got our ltc’s within the last year and are loving every second of it. We try to shoot every weekend, or as time allows us to. We are currently working on picking off purchases of our quite large list of pistols, rifles and shotguns we would like to purchase.
Again, thanks for all the awesome and invaluable content that everyone contributes on this forum. It has helped with a lot of decisions, etc.
Nice to meet you all and all the best!
Hey guys. My name is Josh. I just recently joined neshooters after looking through the forums for the last few months and gaining some invaluable info. I was born and raised in Brewster on good ole Cape Cod. I still live in Brewster with my wife and two Labrador retrievers in a house we purchased about a mile from my childhood home. My wife and I have been shooting for a long time due to a large amount of military/law enforcement in our families/friends. We both got our ltc’s within the last year and are loving every second of it. We try to shoot every weekend, or as time allows us to. We are currently working on picking off purchases of our quite large list of pistols, rifles and shotguns we would like to purchase.
Again, thanks for all the awesome and invaluable content that everyone contributes on this forum. It has helped with a lot of decisions, etc.
Nice to meet you all and all the best!

Hi Josh, welcome to NES! Great intro post. Thanks to your families and friends for their service to our country and local communities. Sounds like you’re on the right path. Hoping to see you post on the forum more often. Enjoy!

Hi all. I just signed up yesterday and found this thread today. I am 38 years young.I have a beautyful wife and a 7 year old son. Im new to shooting and owning guns. I have alway wanted to get into it but money was a factor. Now that im settled down and more responseable I have begun my journey into the hobby. I live in west warwick R.I. My first gun purchesed 2 months ago was a smith and wesson M&P 9 c 2.0. I then got a berreta u2 neos and most recently a m&p shield wich will be my carry gun. I have put 1000 rounds through the 9c already with no issues I really like that gun.Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone.
Hi all. I just signed up yesterday and found this thread today. I am 38 years young.I have a beautyful wife and a 7 year old son. Im new to shooting and owning guns. I have alway wanted to get into it but money was a factor. Now that im settled down and more responseable I have begun my journey into the hobby. I live in west warwick R.I. My first gun purchesed 2 months ago was a smith and wesson M&P 9 c 2.0. I then got a berreta u2 neos and most recently a m&p shield wich will be my carry gun. I have put 1000 rounds through the 9c already with no issues I really like that gun.Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone.

Hi and welcome to NES! There is a wealth of information here, especially for someone relatively new to shooting. Enjoy!
Hi all. I just signed up yesterday and found this thread today. I am 38 years young.I have a beautyful wife and a 7 year old son. Im new to shooting and owning guns. I have alway wanted to get into it but money was a factor. Now that im settled down and more responseable I have begun my journey into the hobby. I live in west warwick R.I. My first gun purchesed 2 months ago was a smith and wesson M&P 9 c 2.0. I then got a berreta u2 neos and most recently a m&p shield wich will be my carry gun. I have put 1000 rounds through the 9c already with no issues I really like that gun.Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone.

Welcome aboard, I’m sure you’ll like it. Lots of good ppl and info here.
Hi. I signed up a while ago just to be a lurker of the classifieds, however I'd like to introduce myself. I live in Bellingham, MA. I own a Glock 17, Mini-14, Mossberg 500 and the wife owns an M&P Shield 9. I love guns, however I am not wealthy so I am a sad gun lover, always wishing he could buy that next one. I don't get to shoot as often as I'd like either, but etiher way here I am.
Hi, new from Massachusetts, waiting for my LTC, but here to get good info and hopefully not waste money buying stuff that is junk lol.

If it goes bang, it ain’t junk! Welcome! Hope your LTC process goes smoothly and quickly. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy the forum and will contribute where you can :-)

Hi. I signed up a while ago just to be a lurker of the classifieds, however I'd like to introduce myself. I live in Bellingham, MA. I own a Glock 17, Mini-14, Mossberg 500 and the wife owns an M&P Shield 9. I love guns, however I am not wealthy so I am a sad gun lover, always wishing he could buy that next one. I don't get to shoot as often as I'd like either, but etiher way here I am.
That makes you and me both! But glad you're here either way :)

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