New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Hi everyone. I'm in Stow Ma. I've been shooting for a few years, but somehow missed this forum. It looks like there's a lot of good information here, and a good group of people.

I own an old Mossberg .22 bolt gun, a Glock 17, and an M1. My interest these days seems to be gravitating toward longer-range accuracy, so I'm considering something like a Remington 700. I'll be doing a lot of enjoyable research here to see what the rest of y'all are shooting :)
Hi everyone. I'm in Stow Ma. I've been shooting for a few years, but somehow missed this forum. It looks like there's a lot of good information here, and a good group of people.

I own an old Mossberg .22 bolt gun, a Glock 17, and an M1. My interest these days seems to be gravitating toward longer-range accuracy, so I'm considering something like a Remington 700. I'll be doing a lot of enjoyable research here to see what the rest of y'all are shooting :)

Hi JRD, welcome to NES! Glad you found this community and hope you’ll your enjoy your stay here. Have fun with the research on your next gun [mg]

Hi all. Fall River, Ma here. DoJ says my ltc is activated, so I ASSume it's just a matter of picking it up at the local PD when I can get through to them. I hope so anyhow smh. It's been a confounding journey so far. Anyhow, I'm glad to have found a local resource for wisdom and info.
Hi all. Fall River, Ma here. DoJ says my ltc is activated, so I ASSume it's just a matter of picking it up at the local PD when I can get through to them. I hope so anyhow smh. It's been a confounding journey so far. Anyhow, I'm glad to have found a local resource for wisdom and info.

Hello spineraker, welcome to NES! Well, you know what they say about ASSuming, right? :D

Glad to hear you’re probably on your way to picking up your LTC soon. Have you picked out your first gun? ASSuming you’re new to guns :p
Hi everyone. I'm in Stow Ma. I've been shooting for a few years, but somehow missed this forum. It looks like there's a lot of good information here, and a good group of people.

I own an old Mossberg .22 bolt gun, a Glock 17, and an M1. My interest these days seems to be gravitating toward longer-range accuracy, so I'm considering something like a Remington 700. I'll be doing a lot of enjoyable research here to see what the rest of y'all are shooting :)
Welcome buddy. Yes there's a ton of good information here. For long range, I think your mossberg 22 is pretty good for long range, but if you're looking for 223/308, there are a ton of good options out there depending on your budget. For me, the ruger american ranch looks nice for ~$500. Most long distance people will say good glass is more important than the rifle itself. Stick with the forums and you'll learn a ton.
Hi all. Fall River, Ma here. DoJ says my ltc is activated, so I ASSume it's just a matter of picking it up at the local PD when I can get through to them. I hope so anyhow smh. It's been a confounding journey so far. Anyhow, I'm glad to have found a local resource for wisdom and info.
Welcome! and yes, lots of good info here. Shooter's Supply is near you, which is one of the best gun stores in the state in my opinion.
Hello spineraker, welcome to NES! Well, you know what they say about ASSuming, right? :D

Glad to hear you’re probably on your way to picking up your LTC soon. Have you picked out your first gun? ASSuming you’re new to guns :p
Well, having an intrest in firearms in this state is like wading into a muddy world..."what can I have?...what can't I have?". I'm pretty sure I'd like a CZ Scorpion Evo 3...seems like it would be fun and economical to practice with. Most likely the carbine as I don't want to start this journey with a headache trying for an SBR.
Also considering the Bren 805...although a whole different beast, I guess availability will be the deciding factor. CZ sounds like it produces decent kit. Actual solid laws are easier boundaries to navigate than someones whim and nuance. Thanks guy's for the welcome too.
Hello and welcome for having me back. Derek was kind enough to reach out and I could not help but start browsing the forums again. Living well with a family and good health. I enjoy all things guns minus the cleaning. I consider myself a Patriot and brother to all those involved in the good fight.
Hello and welcome for having me back. Derek was kind enough to reach out and I could not help but start browsing the forums again. Living well with a family and good health. I enjoy all things guns minus the cleaning. I consider myself a Patriot and brother to all those involved in the good fight.

Welcome back, pacman! Good to see you here again :D
Hi, just signed up! I recently moved to the cape for work after graduating, and I am very new to firearms in general. I grew up in a household that was opposed to guns, took an ltc class at Mass Firearms School to see what the fuss was about, and suffice to say was hooked.
So far I own a Beretta 92fs and an sks that I restored (with the help of a talented gunsmith!).
I'm always open to suggestions for ranges around the cape to check out!
Hi, just signed up! I recently moved to the cape for work after graduating, and I am very new to firearms in general. I grew up in a household that was opposed to guns, took an ltc class at Mass Firearms School to see what the fuss was about, and suffice to say was hooked.
So far I own a Beretta 92fs and an sks that I restored (with the help of a talented gunsmith!).
I'm always open to suggestions for ranges around the cape to check out!

Hi, PunishedSnake. Welcome to NES! Awesome. I know of a few NES members who live down the cape but unsure of what ranges they go to. Maybe there is a range down the cape listed here: Gun Ranges & Clubs

Nice first firearms you picked up. Looking forward to finding out what your next purchases might be. See ya around the forum [mg]

Hi, Everyone. I joined NES a few weeks ago. Been lurking quietly, trying to absorb as much info as possible. Sponge mode. I live on the North Shore in MA and I'm optimistically expecting to receive my unrestricted LTC any day now. I'm in the process of joining a local club and already have my short list of 'starter' guns. Primarily interested in shooting for fun, and protecting our 2A rights. I'm not a hunter. Hell, I don't even like to bait a hook. ;)

Looking forward to getting to work filling up my shiny new safe.

PS - I'm used to being the most conservative person in the room. After poking around NES for a little while, I can see that I've been hanging around with the wrong crowd. :)

Thank you all for making this valuable resource available.

Hi, Everyone. I joined NES a few weeks ago. Been lurking quietly, trying to absorb as much info as possible. Sponge mode. I live on the North Shore in MA and I'm optimistically expecting to receive my unrestricted LTC any day now. I'm in the process of joining a local club and already have my short list of 'starter' guns. Primarily interested in shooting for fun, and protecting our 2A rights. I'm not a hunter. Hell, I don't even like to bait a hook. ;)

Looking forward to getting to work filling up my shiny new safe.

PS - I'm used to being the most conservative person in the room. After poking around NES for a little while, I can see that I've been hanging around with the wrong crowd. :)

Thank you all for making this valuable resource available.


Hi John, welcome to NES! Thanks for the intro post. I know at least more than a few north shore folks here ;). I also hope your unrestricted LTC comes in soon! I remember the very exciting day that I received “the call”

Looking forward to see you posting more on the forum and not just lurking [mg]

Hi All. Western Mass here - Easthampton specifically. Been shooting sporadically for a while mostly with borrowed guns. Really into history and military arms - I actually got my Riflery merit badge in Boy Scouts with a Repro P53 Enfield rifle-musket I had for CW reenacting (this was many, many years ago!) Finally got my act together enough to have some spending money, so, my plan is to blow as much of it on curios and relics as I can. Got my LTC this past fall so I can cross into the post-1898 world, and mailing in my C&R paperwork this week. Hoping to get into competition, High-Power, CMP, etc., and hopefully make it out to Camp Perry some day. Probably look into reloading, too... Came upon NES while trying to figure out the mess that is purchasing a modern pistol in Mass. Lots of great info on all sorts of stuff, so I figured I'd join in.

Glad to be here!

Hi All. Western Mass here - Easthampton specifically. Been shooting sporadically for a while mostly with borrowed guns. Really into history and military arms - I actually got my Riflery merit badge in Boy Scouts with a Repro P53 Enfield rifle-musket I had for CW reenacting (this was many, many years ago!) Finally got my act together enough to have some spending money, so, my plan is to blow as much of it on curios and relics as I can. Got my LTC this past fall so I can cross into the post-1898 world, and mailing in my C&R paperwork this week. Hoping to get into competition, High-Power, CMP, etc., and hopefully make it out to Camp Perry some day. Probably look into reloading, too... Came upon NES while trying to figure out the mess that is purchasing a modern pistol in Mass. Lots of great info on all sorts of stuff, so I figured I'd join in.

Glad to be here!


Welcome, Alex! Thanks for droppin' in and letting us know what you're all about. I think you may like this event if you have not heard of it yet: Military History Expo | May 20th and 21st 2017, Orange Mass. I think I went to this event 2 or 3 years ago. It was really neat... they had tanks and flamethrowers, etc. Really cool stuff. It's in Orange, MA... not too, too far away (about an hour?). Anyway, looking forward to seeing you around the forum.

-Cindy [mg]
Welcome to NES! New folks should check in here and say HI!

Tell us about yourself...Where you live, your firearms experience, and how you found Northeastshooters! Thanks!
Hello, Eric here in Dracut, Ma. Use to shoot with my dad before he retired (Chelsea police Dept). I was USAF Security Forces, so that’s when I got to shoot many different types of weapons. Currently a member at OnTarget indoor range in Dracut and just applied today for Pelham Fish and Game.
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Hello, Eric here in Dracut, Ma. Used to shoot with my dad before he retired (Chelsea police Dept). I was USAF Security Forces, so that’s when I got to To shoot many different types of weapons. Currently a member at OnTarget indoor range in Dracut and just applied today for Pelham Fish and Game.

Hi Eric. Welcome!! Lot of new folks posting here today; that's awesome. Thanks for stoppin' by here to introduce yourself. Looking forward to see you posting around the forum.

Hello, Eric here in Dracut, Ma. Use to shoot with my dad before he retired (Chelsea police Dept). I was USAF Security Forces, so that’s when I got to shoot many different types of weapons. Currently a member at OnTarget indoor range in Dracut and just applied today for Pelham Fish and Game.

Hi Eric, I'm also in Dracut. My son is joining the USAF, I want to talk to you about that. Joe
Welcome to NES! New folks should check in here and say HI!

Tell us about yourself...Where you live, your firearms experience, and how you found Northeastshooters! Thanks!

Rich L. from Westford here, I came across this site while looking for opinions/information on a Shield 9.
As a former Bullseye, IHMSA and ASA (anyone remember that organization?) shooter I've returned to the firing line and loading bench after a long period of inactivity. I've been a long time member of Harvard Sportsmen's and Reading Rifle & Revolver and I'm looking forward to reacquainting myself with those clubs and people with similar interests.
Hey everyone,

Returning from 3 years in S.Korea with the Army, and looking to purchasing my own gun soon. Found the website while looking into info for starting the FID and LTC process, legality and whatnot. Just a POG who loved guns more than his peers, nothing special from this 14T. Was disappointed to find out about the ban while I was overseas, as I wanted to build something like the M4 I had in the Army. Lowell area, born and raised.
Hey everyone,

Returning from 3 years in S.Korea with the Army, and looking to purchasing my own gun soon. Found the website while looking into info for starting the FID and LTC process, legality and whatnot. Just a POG who loved guns more than his peers, nothing special from this 14T. Was disappointed to find out about the ban while I was overseas, as I wanted to build something like the M4 I had in the Army. Lowell area, born and raised.

Hi ZetaPlus. Welcome to NES. Thank you for your service and welcome home! Hope your LTC process goes quickly and smoothly. Consider becoming a green (paid) member of this community. You’ll have access to member only threads, giveaways (karma), meet ups, group buys and more importantly, you’ll be supporting a great forum that supports our 2A rights and provides a place for like minded individuals to gather and discuss freely (more or less ;) )

Be safe out there.

Cindy [mg]
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