New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

*sigh* Well, I am. [wink]

But that wasn't my point - my point was that if a COP has a hard time deciphering the laws, that is a scary thing - since it's all to easy to arrest someone thinking that he's broken a law when in fact, he hasn't. Means that our laws are unnecessarily complex - something that MA gun owners (who've been paying attention, anyway) already know. (and I'm well aware that this is NOT the cop's fault! It's the fault of the idiots in the legislature.)

It's just more proof for my theory that we should NOT have a full time legislature - they have way too much time to think up idiot laws. We should go to the NH model where they're part time - so that they have to have a real job to make ends meet and can understand what life is like when one doesn't live on Mt Olympus looking down on the mere mortals.
My experience is most police only look to make a gun arrest when it's a pure criminal who has it, illegally of course, or domestics. For the most part most police are very much 2nd Amendment supporters. Laws change all the time, every time a politician wants to look like they are coming down hard on crime they change a few laws that often have little to no impact on the real issues. People often forget it's the politicians who make all the stupid laws. People should try to remember that, yes the police are often forced into enforcing certain laws, but it's the politicians who sit back fat and happy who put them in place. I have never understood why politicians are never or seldom, the ones who take the heat for so many politically motivated laws.... Also, every police department has a cowboy to....
And, I could always be wrong.....
Hi. New to NES, but not shooting. Live and work on South Coast/Cape area. Belong to a pretty active club.

My experiences have been reasonable. Had an appointment for fingerprinting (with no interview) within 10 days of sending application. License landed in my mailbox about 7 weeks afterwards.
Couple of old fudds trying to take the fun out of our sport at my club but thats fine, I'll just move to the outdoor range in the nicer weather.

Joined this for the forums and to keep up with the laws. Having a terrible time trying to navigate the legality of msr's. Not willing to spend pre-94 money for a long gun, also don't want to (possibly?) Commit any felonies
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Hi. New to NES, but not shooting. Live and work on South Coast/Cape area. Belong to a pretty active club.
Joined this for the forums and to keep up with the laws. Having a terrible time trying to navigate the legality of msr's. Not willing to spend pre-94 money for a long gun, also don't want to (possibly?) Commit any felonies
The rules haven't (yet) changed since 94. No named firearms, only one feature.

Buy a lower and fix the stock. Buy an upper and pin & weld the muzzle brake (or linear compensator). Put the upper on the lower.

The rules haven't (yet) changed since 94. No named firearms, only one feature.

Buy a lower and fix the stock. Buy an upper and pin & weld the muzzle brake (or linear compensator). Put the upper on the lower.
Thank you sir.

Generally what I am hearing. Attempted to do just that this weekend and Mr FFL told me 1st he would do the transfer but that once I mate the upper and lower I am technically a felon (Whether the compliance work was done or not). Then he would sell me a lesser quality lower he already had for only $300 more instead of making the phone call to the out of state dealer. Or, I could always buy one of his prebans for 3000+. Needless to say, looking for different FFL.
Littleton is a haul from here. Brownells will ship to another local FFL for me.

I am a believer in laissez faire capitalism. I don't need to put the man's business on blast. He keeps it up, the marketplace will solve the problem for us.
There are MA ffl’s who genuinely don’t know the law because of how confusing it can be in MA, but there are also FFL’s who want to confuse you because they don’t want to deal in certain kinds of guns for whatever reason, and they want to steer you into buying the $1000 gen2 glock, preban AR, or overpriced bull pup they have for sale.

Some dealers probably don’t like AR builders because all they get is a lower receiver sale for $150 and then people order everything else online.

I’ve only ever been to dealers I’ve found through NES, and they’ve all been good.
👆🏻 that right there. I think he just wanted to sell me one of his preban mak-90s, or a 50 year old colt.

I have a small business too. I try my best to always buy local, take care of the people who take care of you. That being said, I'm not paying him 500+ for a built out Anderson lower when I could buy a complete online for <200.
And then file the eFA-10? As a .223/5.56?
eFA-10 via "the portal" is how people record personally made firearms, yes

a person who is recording a firearm on the portal would list that caliber, etc. for the firearm as first built. If, for example, it has a 16" 5.56x45 barrel, they would put that info in the appropriate fields.
Hi all. Been lurking for a bit, great forum.

Fairly new to firearms ownership, mostly due to procrastination. Finally gone and got my LTC this year after my kid decided to apply as well (a little over 2 month card in hand in Marlborough btw). Been plinking/pesting since toddler starting from bbs to 50 cal air rifles.

Joined MFS for their pistol range, but looking for a good club where I can practice rifle shooting and maybe try my hand at trap.
I joined last Fall but never did the introduction thing.

My name is Mike. From Chelsea, MA but now living in Weymouth. Got into firearms (and other fun things) as a child after watching "The Omega Man." Went to school to be a statistician, worked in statistical analysis for a bit, but ended up making a living in the arts and teaching arts. Just got my FFL 07. The state dealers license is up in the air as the town I'm in is pulling shenanigans with zoning by suddenly reclassifying my business. If anyone has any leads on commercially/industrially zoned basement lairs for rent in the state, let me know. If I can do anything to help anyone out, please let me know. Everyone I've interacted with/met through here has been awesome.

I joined last Fall but never did the introduction thing.

My name is Mike. From Chelsea, MA but now living in Weymouth. Got into firearms (and other fun things) as a child after watching "The Omega Man." Went to school to be a statistician, worked in statistical analysis for a bit, but ended up making a living in the arts and teaching arts. Just got my FFL 07. The state dealers license is up in the air as the town I'm in is pulling shenanigans with zoning by suddenly reclassifying my business. If anyone has any leads on commercially/industrially zoned basement lairs for rent in the state, let me know. If I can do anything to help anyone out, please let me know. Everyone I've interacted with/met through here has been awesome.


Teaching arts and holding an FFL07. That's something you don't see every day. Welcome! Hope you solve your zoning problems.
Hi all.
Been lurking for quite a few years before registering - my grandfather is a long time member and he got me into shooting in my early teen years with Junior rifle match shooting.

I grew up in Mass and finally made my move to New Hampshire last year after spending most of my weekends here. Happy to be in a free state now!

I tend to lurk most of the time, but I hope to post more and get to know people beyond their avatars.

I appreciate all the information I've learned from your community over the years, and hopefully I can pay it forward and help out some others.
Hi all.
Been lurking for quite a few years before registering - my grandfather is a long time member and he got me into shooting in my early teen years with Junior rifle match shooting.

I grew up in Mass and finally made my move to New Hampshire last year after spending most of my weekends here. Happy to be in a free state now!

I tend to lurk most of the time, but I hope to post more and get to know people beyond their avatars.

I appreciate all the information I've learned from your community over the years, and hopefully I can pay it forward and help out some others.
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to NES! New folks should check in here and say HI!

Tell us about yourself...Where you live, your firearms experience, and how you found Northeastshooters! Thanks!
Hi, name is Rob. Grew up in Beverly. Have since moved 22x and lived in seven states. Ohio now. More places to shoot, indoor and out, than you can shake a stick at here
Came across one of your threads looking for opinions on progressive lenses v. fixed. Ordered a pair of prescription fixed shooters glasses yesterday. Think that will help. Have been noticing focus shifts after I achieved focus and then locked up my grip. Think head movement with progressive lenses is the problem.
Pic is 5 rounds of 300 HAMR upper on Springfield Saint Lower using Atlas Bipod and inexpensive Konus (soon to be replaced) scope.
And yes, it's five rounds, two in left most and upper locations.


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Not really new, been here for 10ish years, but a new house, marriage, and a lot of life/work stuff caused me to somewhat back out of the sport (not entirely, I have a small range here) & drop out of much discussion about stuff in general.

However, much has changed. Dad passed recently & left me his rather extensive collection, and I've been wanting to get a bunch of stuff sighted in at more than 25 yards for a while, so I just joined Pemi, and now it's time to get active here again.

So, you'll likely see me around again in the threads as I get more involved & begin to sell some of dad's stuff

Anyway, it's good to be back, and may you always hit the X ring.
Hello everyone, I'm Bill

Grew up in Brookline, moved around a bit, came back to MA (north shore) late 2020 and got my LTC shortly after. I have basically zero prior experience with shooting aside from 22s at summer camp when I was a kid so I've been doing a lot of reading and lurking, the forum has been a great resource for understanding the inane and byzantine laws of this fine commonwealth.
Hi, my name is GcDiaz and I'm a "responsible gun owner". I like guns, I like shooting them, I've yet to (and hopefully will never) fire them in anger, but I am the terror of steel targets everywhere. Currently operating out of Hamilton Gun & Rod in Sturbridge, formerly of MFS and Gun Parlor. Some pistols, mainly rifles.
Hi, my name is GcDiaz and I'm a "responsible gun owner". I like guns, I like shooting them, I've yet to (and hopefully will never) fire them in anger, but I am the terror of steel targets everywhere. Currently operating out of Hamilton Gun & Rod in Sturbridge, formerly of MFS and Gun Parlor. Some pistols, mainly rifles.
Welcome to the forum!
Hey whats up guys and gals. Im from central mass i found NES while trying to find an outdoor range in my area. I was intrigued by how much information is in this place. Automatically i knew i wanted to join and be a part of it!!!Also i got my ltc November of last year and still haven’t picked up my first firearm but i will be in a couple of weeks
Hey whats up guys and gals. Im from central mass i found NES while trying to find an outdoor range in my area. I was intrigued by how much information is in this place. Automatically i knew i wanted to join and be a part of it!!!Also i got my ltc November of last year and still haven’t picked up my first firearm but i will be in a couple of weeks
Welcome. Have you found an outdoor range?
Hey whats up guys and gals. Im from central mass i found NES while trying to find an outdoor range in my area. I was intrigued by how much information is in this place. Automatically i knew i wanted to join and be a part of it!!!Also i got my ltc November of last year and still haven’t picked up my first firearm but i will be in a couple of weeks
Welcome to the party
Yeah i figured out that most rod & gun clubs have outdoor ranges but the one in my area is currently at its capacity for members. So i guess I’ll just have to wait until the capacity limit is changed .
The is a section that has threads about individual clubs so if you need a sponsor, that is a good place to look.

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