New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Hey all,

I just signed up here again. I was a member years back but didn't post much and forget my handle and the email the account it was linked to. I still lurked and read posts, mostly on RKBA and laws because this site is a great source of information. From MA, owned guns for most of my life.
Hi! My name is Ever and I recently made it happen in getting my license to carry and pretty new to the culture.

I am still learning so much about the beauty of gun engineer and the art and history.

Hope this community can welcome me with open arms and hopefully learn more about guns.
Welcome. The site is a great resource for information about firearms and just about anything you can think of. We have people that are experts in just about anything you can think of.
Hi my name is Tom . Just found this site. Very interesting and I like the local insights. I'm retired and live in southern NH . Me and my wife just got really into firearms and shooting last year. We travel to the geat free state of Florida and I'm more concerned with bad actors there than here but you never know. I've been exposed to shotguns, bb and pellet guns my whole life and my wife has some previous shooting exerience also. She's a great shot! Did safety courses and joined several ranges locally. I carry daily 365 ,except in Mass. ( where you need it) Got our NH permits, filing for Mass. LTC (not holding my breath) because we go to that un-armed state a lot. Have a suppressor on hold ,waiting for that too. Good to see so many patriots in one place.
Granite state indoor range in Nashua is good. Lots of guns to try. Great instructors too . Like the sig range only may be closer for you.
First post here. Only shot a gun once in my life prior to taking the basic LTC class at Mass Firearms last week. Here for the general knowledge as well as region specific knowledge. Born and raised in MA, living in the MetroWest area now. I work as an elevator mechanic and I am the proud father of 2 beautiful daughters.
First post here. Only shot a gun once in my life prior to taking the basic LTC class at Mass Firearms last week. Here for the general knowledge as well as region specific knowledge. Born and raised in MA, living in the MetroWest area now. I work as an elevator mechanic and I am the proud father of 2 beautiful daughters.
The username checks out lol. Welcome. You have alot of friendly people on here near you.
First post here. Only shot a gun once in my life prior to taking the basic LTC class at Mass Firearms last week. Here for the general knowledge as well as region specific knowledge. Born and raised in MA, living in the MetroWest area now. I work as an elevator mechanic and I am the proud father of 2 beautiful daughters.

Years ago, there was a 'Delta Elevator Corporation' company site in Brighton. It occupied two adjacent single story buildings. This did not inspire confidence. :)

Some advice: Beware of the YouTube trap. Lots of unreasonable expectations, shill reviews and crap advice that everyone needs a a race gun in their Enigma.

If you can go to Mass Firearms, get a one on one lesson or three with one of the guys there, try some rentals and when you buy, buy what works for you, not what the 'cool kids' try to pitch you. There's nothing wrong with a boring gun if you're comfortable with it. They, the guys at MF, are smart and patient, pay one of them to spend some range time with rentals that appeal to you.

That said, not all YouTube is crap.

New shooters I've helped have really benefited from these clips from Lena Miculek who I think is as good a teacher as she is a shooter:


5 tips for first time shooters w/ Lena Miculek!

And drills I still do now and again or when I get a new gun: Best use of a QUICK 50RDS of TRAINING !
Thanks for the reply and all of the good information. I’ll check out those links. Yes Delta was in Brighton and was bought out by United Technologies, who also bought Beckwith Elevator and merged the 2 as Delta-Beckwith which is still in business today. The purchases and nerger may have been done under the Otis Elevator name, as UTC owns them along with other giant companies such as Raytheon, Pratt Whitney airplanes, Sikorsky helicopters and Carrier air conditioning among others. UTC did split some of them off as their own independent companies a few years back but that’s semantics.
Welcome to NES! New folks should check in here and say HI!

Tell us about yourself...Where you live, your firearms experience, and how you found Northeastshooters! Thanks!
found this site by accident. I am retired and have fired about everything except black powder. Firing the Ma Deuce and the grease gun have been my biggest thrills
Just got my LTC in Boston, after a 9month wait. Picked up a p365xl and have put 400 rounds through it in the first week, so having a blasty blast.

I did a ton of shooting, collecting, building and maintaining firearms with my father as a teenager, my biggest regret now is selling my AR-15 to a friend back around 2010 since it seems much more difficult to do a custom build these days. Back then i had a stripped lower shipped to an FFL in Maine and my father picked it up there, ordered the rest of the parts online and put it together myself. When I sold it, it got reported on the F2F transfer portal, no idea how legal all that was.

I have a vague idea of the process of doing something similar these days, interested in peoples experience doing scratch builds from stripped lowers. Would prefer to use a modern lower but pre-ban not out of the question.
Just got my LTC in Boston, after a 9month wait. Picked up a p365xl and have put 400 rounds through it in the first week, so having a blasty blast.

I did a ton of shooting, collecting, building and maintaining firearms with my father as a teenager, my biggest regret now is selling my AR-15 to a friend back around 2010 since it seems much more difficult to do a custom build these days. Back then i had a stripped lower shipped to an FFL in Maine and my father picked it up there, ordered the rest of the parts online and put it together myself. When I sold it, it got reported on the F2F transfer portal, no idea how legal all that was.

I have a vague idea of the process of doing something similar these days, interested in peoples experience doing scratch builds from stripped lowers. Would prefer to use a modern lower but pre-ban not out of the question.
Just got my LTC in Boston, after a 9month wait. Picked up a p365xl and have put 400 rounds through it in the first week, so having a blasty blast.

I did a ton of shooting, collecting, building and maintaining firearms with my father as a teenager, my biggest regret now is selling my AR-15 to a friend back around 2010 since it seems much more difficult to do a custom build these days. Back then i had a stripped lower shipped to an FFL in Maine and my father picked it up there, ordered the rest of the parts online and put it together myself. When I sold it, it got reported on the F2F transfer portal, no idea how legal all that was.

I have a vague idea of the process of doing something similar these days, interested in peoples experience doing scratch builds from stripped lowers. Would prefer to use a modern lower but pre-ban not out of the question.

Boston has it's own AWB, different from the MA AWB and basically no ARs, AKs, etc. regardless of DOB. Something to be aware of. It's been discussed here before and there may be a sticky in the MA gun laws or the gun laws sub-forums.
Welcome to NES! New folks should check in here and say HI!

Tell us about yourself...Where you live, your firearms experience, and how you found Northeastshooters! Thanks!
Hi, my name is Bob. I am closer to retirement than to college age :) I have a very limited firearm experience, got my MA LTC, took a couple of lessons and looking for my first set of guns.
Don't even know where to start. There is a lot of useful information on this forum, but I have SO many questions at this point. Where to go to try and buy and not getting ripped off or ending up in jail :(. I wonder if there is a newbies subforum.
Hi, my name is Bob. I am closer to retirement than to college age :) I have a very limited firearm experience, got my MA LTC, took a couple of lessons and looking for my first set of guns.
Don't even know where to start. There is a lot of useful information on this forum, but I have SO many questions at this point. Where to go to try and buy and not getting ripped off or ending up in jail :(. I wonder if there is a newbies subforum.

Welcome Bob. There is no real "newbies subforum", this is a just dive in and ask questions kind of place.

As far as your first set of guns, my personal recommendation, if you are relatively new, would be a .22lr pistol/revolver and a 4" .38Spl revolver. The .22 is still fairly cheap to feed and you can get a lot of practice with it. The .38 offers you a bigger, more powerful firearm while still being easy to handle.

A .22 rifle could be a good first rifle. Lever, bolt, or semi-automatic is less important than getting a quality brand.

Everyone has their own opinions on first guns. These are mine based upon my experiences learning to shoot and helping others learn.

Others may/will have different opinions and I would urge you to listen to their recommendations rather than following mine blindly.

Good luck.
Welcome Bob. There is no real "newbies subforum", this is a just dive in and ask questions kind of place.

As far as your first set of guns, my personal recommendation, if you are relatively new, would be a .22lr pistol/revolver and a 4" .38Spl revolver. The .22 is still fairly cheap to feed and you can get a lot of practice with it. The .38 offers you a bigger, more powerful firearm while still being easy to handle.

A .22 rifle could be a good first rifle. Lever, bolt, or semi-automatic is less important than getting a quality brand.

Everyone has their own opinions on first guns. These are mine based upon my experiences learning to shoot and helping others learn.

Others may/will have different opinions and I would urge you to listen to their recommendations rather than following mine blindly.

Good luck.
Actually, I was going to get a .22 to try to something like local PRC competition :) I have some experience shooting .22 (biathlon). Different sport, different country :)
I was looking for starter 9 mm. Would you recommend any friendly gun store/dealer? I live at the North Shore.
What do you think of ON TARGET FIREARMS & INDOOR RANGE LLC in Dracut? I would like to understand gun buying process to begin with.

Actually, I was going to get a .22 to try to something like local PRC competition :) I have some experience shooting .22 (biathlon). Different sport, different country :)
I was looking for starter 9 mm. Would you recommend any friendly gun store/dealer? I live at the North Shore.
What do you think of ON TARGET FIREARMS & INDOOR RANGE LLC in Dracut? I would like to understand gun buying process to begin with.

Hopefully someone who lives up that way will come along and give you some information on the places you mentioned.

There is a wealth of 9mm's out there these days. I like Glocks and Sigs myself.
Actually, I was going to get a .22 to try to something like local PRC competition :) I have some experience shooting .22 (biathlon). Different sport, different country :)
I was looking for starter 9 mm. Would you recommend any friendly gun store/dealer? I live at the North Shore.
What do you think of ON TARGET FIREARMS & INDOOR RANGE LLC in Dracut? I would like to understand gun buying process to begin with.

Welcome. I haven't been to On Target in a few years, but, when I first got started a few years back, I got a short term membership there to test out various firearms. the Membership there means you can use the members only range and not the daily rental range. Very nice group of guys when I went and they were helpful to a newbie and never made me feel dumb for asking basic questions. I only rented from them, so I don’t l know what their prices are like for purchases.

also, take a trip up to sig in nh. It’s probably less than an hour drive from you. They have a nice indoor range that you can test all of their guns on. sig also has classes you can take that I’ve heard good things about if you want to go that route.
Welcome. I haven't been to On Target in a few years, but, when I first got started a few years back, I got a short term membership there to test out various firearms. the Membership there means you can use the members only range and not the daily rental range. Very nice group of guys when I went and they were helpful to a newbie and never made me feel dumb for asking basic questions. I only rented from them, so I don’t l know what their prices are like for purchases.

also, take a trip up to sig in nh. It’s probably less than an hour drive from you. They have a nice indoor range that you can test all of their guns on. sig also has classes you can take that I’ve heard good things about if you want to go that route.
Thank you. I'll definitely visit Sig store in NH. It is not that far from me and could be a good weekend trip. Do they sell to MA people?
Thank you. I'll definitely visit Sig store in NH. It is not that far from me and could be a good weekend trip. Do they sell to MA people?
Yes they do and will ship to a MA ffl, but, they will only sell models that they note are “Massachusetts compliant.”
Hi, my name is Bob. I am closer to retirement than to college age :) I have a very limited firearm experience, got my MA LTC, took a couple of lessons and looking for my first set of guns.
Don't even know where to start. There is a lot of useful information on this forum, but I have SO many questions at this point. Where to go to try and buy and not getting ripped off or ending up in jail :(. I wonder if there is a newbies subforum.
Welcome aboard. As long as you can put up the some good natured ribbing, you can learn an awful lot from here. Even though this is a shooting forum, you will find experts in just about anything you can think of. I found my Eyedoktr on here. It's an incredible amount of information at your fingertips for a short amount of money.
Can a firearm be MA compliant bu

Hi all. I just signed up for this forum. Found it while looking for a source for models that aren’t on the approved roster. Somewhat new to firearms, got LTC in 2020. Really enjoy shooting and learning.
The roster list is made of unobtainium.

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